Jennifer Lee Signature Work Spring 2022 Duke Kunshan University
This repo contains code and datasets for the research on cryptocurrency exchanges and pumps-and-dumps.
Author Introduction
Jennifer Lee is a senior Economics student at Duke Kunshan University with expected graduation in May 2022. Her research interests lie at the intersection of finance, law, and computer science. After graduation, she will be working as an Investment Bank Compliance Analyst at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong. For any questions regarding this research, please contact
For my graduation captone project, I am working on analyzing the best supervised ML model for detecting pumps-and-dumps in the cryptocurrency market. The data and analysis is in the repository so to replicate results, please run deceision_tree_pump_and_dump_predictor.ipynb
For any questions, please contact
File Description: Pump and Dump dataset on pumps-and-dump schemes on the Cryptopia exchange Jennifer_Lee_Data_Descriptor_SW.ipynb: data prepocesssing and generating graphs deceision_tree_pump_and_dump_predictor.ipynb: full code of the analysis SW Product_Jennifer Lee.docx: full PDF version of the research paper Signature Work Illustration: a collection of figures used in the research paper and signature work exhibition confernece