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This repository contains exercise solutions to the 2020 edition of the Full Stack Open course from the University of Helsinki.

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Part 9 - Typescript

  • patientor-frontend - A react frontend for a medical record app written with Typescript.

  • patientor-backend - A node/express RESTful server written with Typescript. It serves endpoints for a medical record app.

  • typed-courseinfo - An alternate version of the 'course-info' app from part 1, written with Typescript.

  • ts-first-steps - A series of Typescript based apps including a BMI calculator, workout/exercise tracker and a node/express server to run them with.

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Part 8 - GraphQL

  • library-frontend - A library catalogue web app powered by react, apollo-client and styled with bootstrap
  • library-backend - graphql library backend written with node and apollo-server

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  • bloglist-frontend - Extends the functionality and design of the solution from part 5. Changes include:
    • A switch to Redux for state management
    • New views for existing users
    • URL routing and navigation
    • Comments feature
    • Webpack configured from the ground up and
    • Styling improvements
  • bloglist-backend - Extends the functionality and design of the solution from part 4
  • ultimate-hooks - is an exercise in writing a React custom hook implementation of an api resource fetcher
  • country-hook - a modification of the solution from part 2 using a custom hook to make an api request
  • routed-anecdotes - anecdote web app with url routing

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  • unicafe-redux - rewrites the core of the unicafe exercise from part 1 using Redux state management
  • redux-anecdotes - rebuilds the anecdotes exercise from part 1 using Redux state management and adds REST operations with json-server and redux-thunk

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Part 4 is a RESTful backend api written with node/express that serves endpoints for blog/article resources and user administration for a blog post catlogue app

The codebase includes unit and integration tests written with Jest

Go to Part 4 Solution

Part 3 is a REST backend using mongodb and written with node/express for Part 2's React UI

A live version of the app deployed with heroku can be visited with this link

Exercises for Part 3 can be found in a separate repository

Go to Part 3 Solution

A series of web apps touching on React code structuring, styling and communicating with a backend api (REST)

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A series of React UIs demonstrating functions such as state management, event handling and debugging in a React ecosystem.

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A series of sequence diagrams to illustrate network communication within a web app

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