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vma-archiver e2e-vma-archiver-app

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We are going to make a VMA archiver. VMA in this case does not stand for Video Media Archive anymore. That was version 0.0.0. It now stands for Video Music Awards. So we are going to make a service to register nominees and winners of a VMA show. In this case, we'll use a fake MTV Awards Show. Instead of using contemporary music, we'll make an MTV awards with music and artists from the 1920's.

Our application will be built around the Reactive CoRoutine Paradigms. We'll be using five important elements: Hazelcast, SpringWebFlux, Flow, Kotlin Co-Routines and a nice architecture.

Stable Releases

This repo is also the official support repo to my article on medium:

- Stable releases

Walk Through

Knowledge Cloud
Knowledge Cloud

BuildersKt.class, Builders.common, withContext, ifEmpty, tailrec, suspend, runBlocking, shuffled , sortedBy, async , await, launch, delay, runBlocking, coroutineScope, Channel, consumeEach, produce, produceSquares , produceNumbers, yield, @Volatile, withContext, Dispatchers.Default, Mutex, CoroutineScope , counterActor, override val massiveRun,

Knowledge for Integration Tests Cloud

@Mockk, @Test, @SpringBootTest

Project Layout

  • VMA Demo Generation - Generates The Demo Awards - It is customizable in terms of categories, music and artists.
  • VMA Common - A Common Library to support Spring Boot Startup Services.
  • VMA Play - A way to play with co-routines separated from the project. It has examples on the main and test directories.
  • VMA Spring CoRoutine Reactive Service - The reactive service facing the front-end - It posts votes in Kafka, registers a new award show directly and reads voting results from the database.
  • VMA Service Event Listener - Listens to incoming votes sent in a massive load fashion.
  • Locust - The location of locust service. It creates workers in kotlin that simulate random massive voters.

Sequence diagram

To visualize this diagram you may need the mermaid-diagrams plugin installation.

To visualize it in Intellij, please install the mermaid plugin.

        participant VMA Voting Client 1
        participant VMA Voting Client 2
        participant VMA Voting Client n
        participant VMA BE NGINX LB
        participant VMA Services Backend
        participant VMA Kafka Streams
        participant VMA Services Event Listeners
        participant VMA BE HA LB
        participant VMA PostgreSQL
        rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .1)
        VMA Voting Client 1-->> VMA BE NGINX LB: Cast vote
        VMA Voting Client 2-->> VMA BE NGINX LB: Cast vote
        VMA Voting Client n-->> VMA BE NGINX LB: Cast vote
        VMA BE NGINX LB-->>VMA Services Backend: Distribute Votes
        VMA Services Backend-->>VMA Kafka Streams: Register Votes
        VMA Kafka Streams-->>VMA Services Backend: Vote registered!
        VMA Kafka Streams-->>VMA Services Event Listeners: Send Register Vote event
        VMA Services Backend-->>VMA BE NGINX LB: Vote registered!
        VMA BE NGINX LB-->>VMA Voting Client 1: Vote registered!
        VMA BE NGINX LB-->>VMA Voting Client 2: Vote registered!
        VMA BE NGINX LB-->>VMA Voting Client n: Vote registered!
        VMA Services Event Listeners-->>VMA PostgreSQL: Create Vote database record
        rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .1)
        VMA Voting Client 1-->> VMA BE NGINX LB: Read votes
        VMA Voting Client 2-->> VMA BE NGINX LB: Read votes
        VMA Voting Client n-->> VMA BE NGINX LB: Read votes
        VMA BE NGINX LB-->>VMA Services Backend: Distribute read votes request
        VMA Services Backend-->>VMA BE HA LB: Request Database Votes
        VMA BE HA LB-->>VMA PostgreSQL: Read Votes
        VMA PostgreSQL-->>VMA BE HA LB: Response with Votes
        VMA BE HA LB-->>VMA Services Backend: Response With Votes
        VMA Services Backend-->>VMA BE NGINX LB: Response With Votes
        VMA BE NGINX LB-->>VMA Voting Client 1: Response With Votes
        VMA BE NGINX LB-->>VMA Voting Client 2: Response With Votes
        VMA BE NGINX LB-->>VMA Voting Client n: Response With Votes

How to run

In general:

make docker-clean-build-start
Start all containers
make dcup-full

If it fails, you can always try make dcup.

Start Locust
make locust

Cast your vote

Wait for locust to stop and check the result

Swagger tests
You can make tests for this application using the Swagger UI at


Install essential libraries and commands
make install

Serving Spring Boot (LOCAL)

In order to let Kafka know where to get to locally you need to define locally that jofisaes-vma-broker is also in

This is done in MAC-OS and Linux machines on /etc/hosts:   jofisaes-vma-broker

Java setup
sdk install java 17-open
sdk use java 17-open


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