Releases: jessielw/FFMPEG-Audio-Encoder
Releases · jessielw/FFMPEG-Audio-Encoder
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.11
- Updated psutil to v5.9.8
- Updated yt-dlp to v2024.3.10
- Updated websockets to v12.0
- Updated qaac to v2.8.2
- Updated mpv to v3-20240407-git-3c1e983
- Updated mediainfo to v24.03
- Updated FFMPEG to v2024-04-04-git-478d97f303 (7.0)
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.10
- Updated FFMPEG to
- Updated yt-dlp to
- Updated pymediainfo to
- Encoding jobs erroring out in
Progress Bars
mode on newer builds of FFMPEG (this was caused by FFMPEG modifying the STDOUT)
- When a job errors out, the error window will show slightly more verbose information
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.09
QAAC Bug Fix:
- QAAC quality mode was not toggling the bitrate menu between TVBR to CBR etc... when swapping between quality modes
- Added a very basic readme on how to generate QAAC QT files yourself in the
folder of the program and included themakeportable.cmd
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.08
- Simple-Youtube-DL GUI not launching
Updated Apps:
- MPV to mpv-x86_64-v3-20230813-git-598e301
- QAAC to v2.80 (still need to get files as required from Apple)
- MediaInfo GUI to 23.07
- FFMPEG to 2023-08-14-git-c704901324
- Updated PyMediaInfo to 6.01
- Updated yt-dlp to 2023.7.6
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.07
- Added substantially more options to Time Modification menu.
- Converted the Menu to a ComboBox in order to more neatly house all these options.
- Fixed inverted atempo conversions.
- I'll no longer include the installer option, as it's just extra work unless requested. Then I'll consider scripting a solution for auto builds.
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.06
- Checks for all directories dropped into the File Batch window
- Added an extension filtering drop down menu to filter files in the File Batch window
- Program no longer clears batch file window upon injecting into jobs manager (in case you want to do multiple injections with different settings)
- Batch window, when all tracks loaded into the batch window are identical tracks (for a series or something) it'll show additional information for track 1, track 2, etc... If all tracks are not identical it'll work like before
- Now properly extracts audio delay from mp4 files
- Now appends channel count to the filename
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.05
Program now determines if a dropped file is a file or directory
If you are dragging and dropping anywhere that is not the file batch window the program will ignore the dropped directory
If you have dropped a root directory into the file batch window it'll recursively search ALL folders inside that directory for media files to encode
Re-worked how the commands are sent to the terminal via subprocess
Fixed a bug with the auto encoder, that would sometimes not detect the correct codec selected. This is now done by reading the config so it retains 100% accuracy
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.04
- Added the ability to save custom command input to profiles for every codec (#29)
- Program checks to ensure there isn't multiple '-af' filters being used incorrectly (without combining them into one) before allowing the profile to save
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.03
- Bug Fix: In rare instances the log files could have illegal characters, which would cause the log file to not be written and error out. This is fixed in this update
- Bug Fix: During long batch encodes the jobs.dat file that is generated/updated could sometimes throw an error one it was empty. The program no longer will prompt an error for this
- Batch processing QOL: When opening files to batch process, before the program would just hang until it was done doing all the processing. Now upon opening the files the window is disabled for user input, but it updates the user what is going on in the title bar and in the list box. So you can see the progress of the files being parsed
- Job Manager QOL: Upon adding jobs to the Job Manager from the Batch window, this would also cause the program to actually withdraw (hide) until the processing was done. On large file/large amount of inputs this could happen for quite some time, now this is multithreaded and gives the user a progress update in the title bar
- Jobs Manager QOL: Title bar will always keep the total amount of jobs up to date, so you have a rough idea of the progress of your jobs when there is a lot of them
FFMPEG Audio Encoder v4.02
- Fixed #26 "Auto Encode Last Used Settings not selecting the correct audio track"
- Fixed packed ffmpeg.exe not actually being deleted if the user selected yes when prompted