Page View Time Series Visualizer is a Data Analysis with Python project from freeCodeCamp. A boilerplate and instructions are found at
The file fcc-forum-pageview.csv contains a time series data of the freeCodeCamp forum page views. From the CSV file, we use matplotlib and seaborn libraries to:
- Produce a line plot of the Daily freeCodeCamp Forum Page Views 5/2016-12/2019
- Create a bar plot of the average daily views each month, for every year available.
- Create a box plot showing the trend of page views (views by year), and a second box plot showing the seasonality of page views (views by month)
In order to do the tasks above, the data was:
- imported from the CSV file
- dates were parsed
- dates were used as the index
- data was cleaned to remove the upper and lower 2.5 quantiles
Additional formatting were performed to:
- ensure that months were in order (instead of alphabetical)
- Line plot of the daily page views from May 2016 to Dec 2019:
- Bar plot of the average daily views for each month between May 2016 and Dec 2019:
- (Left) Year-wise box plot shows increasing page views over the years and (Right) month-wise box plot shows the seasonality of page views spanning a year
Notes: I was encountering a numpy Attribute Error. The boilerplate version that we forked was using seaborn 0.9.0. To fix the issue, I updated the "requirements.txt" to use seaborn 0.13.2 and updated seaborn in gitpod.
I was aided by the freeCodeCamp forum:
prior to forum consultation, I used "monkey patches" as suggested here: