This buildpack downloads and installs (headless) Google Chrome from your choice of release channels.
You can choose your release channel by specifying GOOGLE_CHROME_CHANNEL
a config var for your app, in your app.json (for Heroku CI and Review Apps),
or in your pipeline settings (for Heroku CI).
Valid values are stable
, beta
, and unstable
. If unspecified, the stable
channel will be used.
You can also choose a chrome version by specifying GOOGLE_CHROME_VERSION
The chosen version should come from the history of the stable channel.
This buildpack installs shims that always add --headless
, --disable-gpu
, and --remote-debugging-port=9222
to any google-chrome
command as you'll have trouble running Chrome on a Heroku dyno otherwise.
You'll have two of these shims on your path: google-chrome
. They both point to the binary of
the selected channel.
To use Selenium with this buildpack, you'll also need Chrome's webdriver. This buildpack does not install chromedriver, but there is a chromedriver buildpack also available.
Additionally, chromedriver expects Chrome to be installed at /usr/bin/google-chrome
but that's a read-only filesystem in a Heroku slug. You'll need to tell Selenium/chromedriver
that the chrome binary is at /app/.apt/usr/bin/google-chrome
To make that easier, this buildpack makes $GOOGLE_CHROME_BIN
, and
available as environment variables. With them, you can
use the standard location locally and the custom location on Heroku. An example
configuration for Ruby's Capybara:
chrome_bin = ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_CHROME_SHIM', nil)
chrome_opts = chrome_bin ? { "chromeOptions" => { "binary" => chrome_bin } } : {}
Capybara.register_driver :chrome do |app|
browser: :chrome,
Capybara.javascript_driver = :chrome
Make sure you publish this buildpack in the buildpack registry
heroku buildpacks:publish heroku/google-chrome master