This is a "clone" of Whatsapp where we can create users with an authentication, then we can login with that account, if other users exist we can add by their cel and then we can chat with them. Also, we can modify some of the basic data of our current user, filter our contacts or our active chats.
In this project, I try to improve my abilities in React and some libraries and tools that can help me to do better my work. In the beginning, the app follows a requirements that give it the esthetic and some ideas of the how should would be. After get a toy app with a JSON server and a few utilities, I decide to practice Firebase and Redux, so I think in do a complete app that really works and follows the line of the beginning, but with a lot of more efforce to apply my studies. Also, I was testing different architectures, in the end I decide to try with a MVC. In this project also I practice my TypeScript, and I was trying to keep clean code.
This project use React, Firestore as Database and Firebase Authentication, Redux to control the global states, Formik and yup to the complex forms, SASS, Bootstrap and react-bootstrap to the styles. The imgs used along the project mostly are from web, and the icons are svgs.