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Representation Graphs

James Kirk edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 4 revisions

TensorRec allows you to define the algorithm that will be used to compute latent representations (also known as embeddings) of your users and items. You can define a custom representation function yourself, or you can use a pre-made representation function that comes with TensorRec in tensorrec.representation_graphs.

Representation functions for users or items are selected separately.


Calculates the representation by passing the features through a linear embedding.


Calculates the representation by passing the features through a linear embedding. Embeddings are L2 normalized, meaning all embeddings have equal magnitude. This can be useful as a user representation in mixture-of-tastes models, preventing one taste from having a much larger magnitude than others and dominating the recommendations.


Calculates the repesentations by passing the features through a single-layer ReLU neural network.


This abstract RepresentationGraph allows you to use Keras layers as a representation function by overriding the create_layers() method.
An example of this can be found in examples/

Example: Defining custom representation function

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorrec

# Define a custom representation function graph
class TanhRepresentationGraph(tensorrec.representation_graphs.AbstractRepresentationGraph):
    def connect_representation_graph(self, tf_features, n_components, n_features, node_name_ending):
        This representation function embeds the user/item features by passing them through a single tanh layer.
        :param tf_features: tf.SparseTensor
        The user/item features as a SparseTensor of dimensions [n_users/items, n_features]
        :param n_components: int
        The dimensionality of the resulting representation.
        :param n_features: int
        The number of features in tf_features
        :param node_name_ending: String
        Either 'user' or 'item'
        A tuple of (tf.Tensor, list) where the first value is the resulting representation in n_components
        dimensions and the second value is a list containing all tf.Variables which should be subject to
        tf_tanh_weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_features, n_components], stddev=.5),
                                      name='tanh_weights_%s' % node_name_ending)

        tf_repr = tf.nn.tanh(tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tf_features, tf_tanh_weights))

        # Return repr layer and variables
        return tf_repr, [tf_tanh_weights]

# Build a model with the custom representation function
model = tensorrec.TensorRec(user_repr_graph=TanhRepresentationGraph(),

# Generate some dummy data
interactions, user_features, item_features = tensorrec.util.generate_dummy_data(

# Fit the model for 5 epochs, user_features, item_features, epochs=5, verbose=True)