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Jfusion 2.x Plugins Gallery2

jfusion edited this page Mar 27, 2016 · 1 revision


##Description Description of the plugin, can be changed should you have more than one copy.

Full URL to Software

Refers to the complete URL to the software. It should look something like this

Full Path to Software

This refers to the path of the integration installation on your server. It shall look something like this /home/my_account_name/my_domain_name/integration or /var/www/httpdocs/integration depending on your server setup. To help you determine the path you need for this integration jFusion has filled in the path to the Joomla installation.


Database Type

Database Type (ie mysql)::The type of database. mysql, mysqli etc. are among the various options.

Database Host

The database host. Most hosts use 'localhost' to connect to their databases but certain provide specific URLs to access their databases like ''. Remote MYSQL is possible too. Choose accordingly

Database Name

The name of your Database used to install and run the integration

Database Username

The username required to access the database

Database Password

The password used to access the database for the above mentioned username."

Table Prefix

The table prefix for Moodle tables in the Database.

Database Charset

Character set of the database.

User Options

Auto Update Activation

If set to yes and plugin is set as slave, plugin's user's activation status will automatically be updated to that of the masters.

Auto Update Email

If set to yes and plugin is set as slave, plugin's user's email will automatically be updated to that of the masters.

Auto Update Bans

If set to yes and plugin is set as slave, plugin's user's ban status will automatically be updated to that of the masters.

Create new user in this software for inactive users?

When in slave mode should a new user be created for inactive users in the master?

Create new user in this software for blocked users?

When in slave mode should a new user be created for blocked users in the master?

Allow user deletion

If set to yes, the user will be deleted from plugin if deleted from Joomla!


Cookie Domain

Should be set the same as the cookies generated by the integration. (dot) eg will work best.

Cookie Path

Usually / works fine. However, this item should be set the same as in the integration. If using a path, put a slash at the end, like in /joomla/

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