This piece of software Is useful to find the electrocardiographic axis of QRS complex from the Frontal leads
1. First I recommend to Read - Study the two articles of Zao. You can find them in Docs dir
2. In order to use the circular reference system, one first looks at the
tracing of the successive limb leads I, II, III, aVR, aVL and aVF, to
determine the polarity of a given deflection; i.e. whether the QRS complex
is positive, negative or equiphasic. Then, starting with the innermost
circle for lead I (the white semicircle being positive,blue negative, and
b o u n d a r y lines being equiphasic) and progressing outwards to leads
II, III, aVR, aVL and aVF, one proceeds to match the semicircles with the
polarities of the QRS complex previously obtained from the tracing.
3. For example, if its polarities in the successive limb leads are
pos., pos., pos., neg., equiphasic, pos., then referring to the circular
reference s y s t e m gives a direction of + 60.
To compile you need:
OpenGl, Rust, FLTK, fltk-rs
For Debian I do:
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxext-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxrender-dev libxfixes-dev libpango1.0-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
To Run 'cargo run' or 'cargo bundle' o 'cargo bundle --release'
I have tested on a Linux Intel Machine running Ubuntu and Debian And works perfectly well
Thanks to MoAlyousef (Mohammed Alyousef) the author of fltk-rs.
This work is a homage to all pioneers of electrocardiography, The ecg_axis was described by Dr Zao n 1952 and 1984
J Gkourasas (Gourassas) MD Cardiology THESSALONIKI GREECE jgourassas at gmail dot com
Enjoy profit!!