Ansible project to build and deploy Catalyst, Johns Hopkins University Libraries Blacklight-based library catalog.
This project requires
- Requires Ansible 2.10+ (using import_role)
- Tested with Vagrant 2.2, VirtualBox 6.1, macOS Big Sur
Clone the git repo
git clone
Create vault password file
mkdir ~/.ssh/catalyst-ansible
touch ~/.ssh/catalyst-ansible/vault_password_file
Go to lastpass, search for "catalyst-ansible" to retrieve the vault password, and put it in the vault_password_file file
Install the required roles. You may check the requirements.yml
file for details.
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Create ~/.ansible.ini
if it doesn't exist. Put the following in the file:
remote_user = <jhedid>
login_user = <jhedid>
login_group = msel-libraryapplications
We are using our GitHub SSH keys to deploy and provision the development environment. If you
were able to clone the repo above you have setup SSH based login with GitHub. You can
find your public key here:<github-username>.keys
. Your private
key is stored in the ~/.ssh
You will need to add your private key to your ssh agent like this (on macOS):
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
This article has more detailed instructions for (setting up key forwarding)[] and explains why using key forwarding simplifies the deployment process.
Put the following in ~/.ssh/config
and add your JHEDID to the User line:
# --- Catalyst ---
Host catalyst
User <jhedid>
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
# ----------------------------
# --- Catalyst Staging ---
Host catalyst-stage
User <jhedid>
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
# ----------------------------
# --- Catalyst Test ---
Host catalyst-test
User <jhedid>
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
# ----------------------------
# --- Catalyst Vagrant ---
Host catalyst-dev.test
User <jhedid>
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Host catsolrmain-dev.test
User <jhedid>
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Host catsolrreplica-dev.test
User <jhedid>
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
# ------------------
Copy your ssh key to the remote server. You will be prompted to enter your JHED password.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa catalyst-stage
Verify that you can ssh to stage without login
ssh catalyst-stage
*NOTE: If using VirtualBox 6.1.28 (at least on a Mac), it is necessary to modify/create the /etc/vbox/networks.conf
file such that it has one and only one line in it: * ::/0
. See:
- Edit
to indicate that you are using vagrant:
- name: create login user for installation & configuration
hosts: all
using_vagrant: true
- { role: login-user, tags: ['login-user'] }
- Run
vagrant up
This step will download the VMs and setup the hostnames. If this is your first time downloading the VMs the amount of time this takes will depend on your connection speed. After they have been cached this step takes around 2 minutes.
- Run
ansible-playbook playbooks/catalyst.yml -i inventory/vagrant --extra-vars "app_branch=main”
Create a key on your local development machine with a generic name:
Connect to the VPN. The Vagrant environment relies on servers in the test environment.
If the playbook is completed successfully you should be able to visit (catalyst-dev.test)[https://catalyst-dev.test] and see the catalyst home page after type
if you are using Chrome. The local environment uses a self-signed certificate forhttps
which Chrome will block. Other browsers will have different methods of getting around this. -
The other applications that are provisioned and deployed by this repo can also be installed locally:
ansible-playbook playbooks/solr.yml -i inventory/vagrant
Services (includes the pull reserves setup):
ansible-playbook playbooks/services.yml -i inventory/vagrant
Horizon Web Service:
ansible-playbook playbooks/horizonws.yml -i inventory/vagrant
This has a manual step currently beause it assumes that catalyst has been installed first:
cd /opt/catalyst/current ; cp -a horizon-servlet /opt/catalyst
ansible-playbook playbooks/services_install_traject.yml -i inventory/vagrant
The usual tasks of catalyst deployment is to deploy the blacklight-rails app.
To deploy the blacklight app, run the commands list below. Replace <branch_or_tag_name_or_commit_hash>
with a release tag, or a branch name. For example, you may use v1.4.14
, master
, or hotfix/v1.4.11
You will be prompted to enter a BECOME password. This will be your JHED password.
- To
ansible-playbook playbooks/catalyst_install.yml -i inventory/prod --extra-vars "app_branch=<branch_or_tag_name_or_commit_hash>" -v -K
- To
ansible-playbook playbooks/catalyst_install.yml -i inventory/stage --extra-vars "app_branch=<branch_or_tag_name_or_commit_hash>" -v -K
- To
ansible-playbook playbooks/catalyst_install.yml -i inventory/test --extra-vars "app_branch=<branch_or_tag_name_or_commit_hash>" -v -K
- To local dev vms
vagrant up
ansible-playbook playbooks/catalyst_install.yml -i inventory/vagrant --extra-vars "app_branch=<branch_or_tag_name_or_commit_hash> force_default_jhed=<username>" -v
This is very rare. Only necessary if you need to update the Java based web service at
After packaging the war file (See for instructions), copy the war file in the target directory to blacklight-rails/horizon-servlet/deploy/ws.war
Git commit the new war file. Push it to the remote. Create a new release of Catalyst. Deploy the new release (See steps above).
Then run the ansible playbook playbooks/horizonws_install.yml
to release the war file. For example,
- To
ansible-playbook playbooks/horizonws_install.yml -i inventory/prod -v -K
The ansible scripts also include steps to upgrade solr servers. This is only necessary when the solr server needs to be updated. So ignore this section most of the time. Also note that this section is not very well maintained. Use with discretion.
To delete all the data from a core
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/catalyst/update?commit=true -H "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary '<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>'
We assume that the application has been tested on dev, and either test/stage.
Follow the following checklist
- Update the production inventory, choose ruby version, and app_branch
- Check you have ssh works
- Check free space on server (df -h ) | require at least 2G
- Run the catalyst.yml playbook on production
time ansible-playbook -i inventory/prod playbooks/catalyst.yml --limit=catalyst -v
- This takes 13m to run, 4m of downtime
- Keep an eye on the logs for errors
- Run the cucumber test locally
Note: Fallback plan you can pass in the ruby, and app version to revert.
#Role Back
time ansible-playbook -i inventory/prod playbooks/catalyst.yml --extra-vars="app_branch=v1.1.4" --extra-vars="chruby_ruby_version=ruby-2.2.2" --limit=catalyst -v # 2m23s
For MacOSX 10.13.3 updated the default python which has introduced an issue with python affecting ansible #32499
TASK [jetty : get jetty checksum] *******************************************************************
objc[86359]: +[__NSPlaceholderDate initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called.
objc[86359]: +[__NSPlaceholderDate initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called. We cannot safely call it or ignore it in the fork() child process. Crashing instead. Set a breakpoint on objc_initializeAfterForkError to debug.
As a workaround, adding the 'export OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES' to your ~/.profile. A fix mas been merged into the unreleased ansible-2.5 branch.
To local dev vagrant vm Update your local Vagrantfile and add catsolrmain-dev and catsolrreplica-dev Update your local inventory/vagrant file and ensure the solr group is present
vagrant up ansible-playbook playbooks/solr.yml -i inventory/vagrant
Deploy to Test ansible-playbook playbooks/solr.yml -i inventory/test -v -K
To just update the cron configuration for catalyst-traject and catalyst-pull-reserves
time ansible-playbook -i inventory/test playbooks/services_install_traject.yml --tags=cron -v
took 21s
ansible-playbook -i inventory/test playbooks/services_install_traject.yml --tags=services -v -K