This is a Kibana plugin to inject gradiant's custom css to kibana.
This plugin is known to work in Kibana 5.5.2 and Kibana 6.1.3. For other versions change index.js and pray.
You should modify Kibana's src/ui/ui_render/views/ui_app.jade in order to add the custom css to kibana's main html:
Replace line bundleFile('')
by bundleFile(''),bundleFile('')
sed -i "s/bundleFile('')/bundleFile(''),bundleFile('')/g" /usr/share/kibana/src/ui/ui_render/views/ui_app.jade
bin/kibana-plugin install
bin/kibana-plugin install
bin/kibana-plugin remove gradiant_style
We also include a Dockerfile to create a kibana image that includes this plugin and other customizations:
- Custom title
- Custom throbber
- Custom favicons