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ShortStack: Comprehensive annotation and quantification of small RNA genes
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LICENSE ShortStack Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Michael J. Axtell This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. SYNOPSIS Alignment of small RNA-seq data and annotation of small RNA-producing genes CITATIONS If you use ShortStack in your work, please cite one of the following: VERSIONS 3.x and higher Johnson NR, Yeoh JM, Coruh C, Axtell MJ. (2016). G3 6:2103-2111. doi:10.1534/g3.116.030452 OLDER VERSIONS Axtell MJ. (2013) ShortStack: Comprehensive annotation and quantification of small RNA genes. RNA 19:740-751. doi:10.1261/rna.035279.112 Shahid S., Axtell MJ. (2013) Identification and annotation of small RNA genes using ShortStack. Methods doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2013.10.004 INSTALL Dependencies All dependencies must be executable and findable in the user's PATH perl (version 5.x) : Generally installed in linux and mac machines by default. Expected to be installed at /usr/bin/perl samtools (version 1.x or higher) : Free from bowtie (if aligning) : Free from .. note: requires bowtie ... NOT bowtie2 ! bowtie-build (if aligning and .ebwt indices not found) : Free from gzip (if aligning) : Generally installed in linux and mac machines by default. RNAfold (unless running with --nohp option to disable MIRNA search) : Part of the Vienna RNA package, Free from Install There is no real installation of ShortStack. Make sure it is executable. For convenience, can be added to your PATH. It expects your perl installation to be at /usr/bin/perl. USAGE Usage: ShortStack [options] {--readfile <r> | {--bamfile <b> | --cramfile <c>}} --genomefile <g> <r> : readfile must be in fasta (.fasta or .fa), colorspace-fasta (.csfasta), or fastq (.fastq or .fq) format, or their gzip-compressed versions (.fasta.gz, .fa.gz, .csfasta.gz, .fastq.gz, or .fq.gz) Can also be a list (seperated by spaces) of several read files. <b> : BAM formatted alignment file (.bam). <c> : CRAM formatted alignment file (.cram). <g> : FASTA formatted (.fa or .fasta) genome file. TEST Test data and brief instructions are available at OPTIONS Note that we have done our best to set default settings for all options that are best for most users. General Options: --help : print a help message listing all options and quit --version : print version and quit --genomefile [string] : path to reference genome in .fasta or .fa format. Required for any run. --outdir [string] : name of output directory to be created for results. Defaults to 'ShortStack_[time]', where [time] is the current UNIX time according to the system. Alignment Options: --readfile [string] : path to readfile(s) to be aligned. valid formats: .fasta, .fa, .fasta.gz, .fa.gz, .fastq, .fq, .fastq.gz, .fq.gz, .csfasta, .csfasta.gz. Multiple files, can be specified as separate arguments to --readfile ... e.g. --readfile file1.fastq file2.fastq file3.fastq Mutually exclusive with --bamfile or --cramfile. --adapter [string] : sequence of 3' adapter to trim off during read-pre processing. Must be at least 8 bases, with only ATCG characters. If not specified, reads are assumed to be already trimmed. --bowtie_cores [integer] : Argument to be passed to bowtie's -p option, specifying number of processor cores to request during alignment. Defaults to 1. Must be an integer of 1 or more. --sort_mem [string] : Argument to be passed to samtools sort -m option, which sets the maximum memory usage during bam file sorting. If not set, samtools sort defaults it to 768M. Higher settings will reduce the overall time spent in alignment phase, at cost of more memory usage. Use K/M/G suffixes to specify kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes, respectively. Extremely large alignment jobs will crash (due to crash of samtools sort operation) if --sort_mem is not set high enough. However, alignment jobs will also crash if sort_mem is set too high, and all physical memory on your machine is exahusted. --mismatches [integer] : Argument to be passed to bowtie's -v option, specifying number of mismatches to be tolerated in a valid alignment. Must be either 0, 1, or 2. In cases of multiple hits, only hits with lowest number of mismatches kept. Default: 1. --nostitch : Disable 'stitching' of fragmented genomes. By default, if the genomefile has more than 50 chromosomes and two or more of them are < 1Mb, ShortStack stitches chromosomes shorter than 1Mb into larger (>5Mb) assemblies. This drastically improves performance when working with highly fragmented reference genomes. --cquals [string] : path(s) to color-space quality value file(s). Used only in conjunction with .csfasta or .csfasta.gz formatted files in --readfile. Compressed format for cquals is NOT allowed. Like --readfile, cquals can take multiple arguments for multiple files, e.g. --cquals file1.qual file2.qual file3.qual --cram : When aligning, convert final alignment to cram format instead of the default bam format. --mmap [string] : Protocol for handling multi-mapped reads. Valid entries are n (none), r (random), u (unique- seeded guide), or f (fractional-seeded guide). default: u --bowtie_m [string] : Setting to be passed to the -m option of bowtie. Over-ridden and set to 1 if option mmap is set to n. This sets the maximum number of multi-mappings allowed. Valid settings are integers >= 1 OR set 'all' to disable suppression of highly multi-mapped reads. Default: 50 --ranmax [string] : Reads with more than this number of possible alignment positions where the choice can't be guided by unequal will be reported as unmapped. Irrelevant if option mmap is set to n or r. Must be integer of 2 or greater or set to 'none' to disable. Default: 3. --align_only : If this switch is present, the ShortStack run will terminate after the alignment phase with no analysis performed. --show_secondaries : If this switch is present, the output alignment file will contain secondary alignments as well as primary alignments for multi-mapped reads. Secondary alignments have bit 256 set in the SAM FLAG field. This option can increase alignment file size, sometimes by a lot. --keep_quals : As of version 3.5, by default ShortStack alignments no longer store the quality values, to save space. Use of this switch will cause quality values to be retained. Note that this increases file size. Analysis Options: --bamfile [string] : path to input .bam alignment file of small RNAs. Only lines with bits 4 and 256 unset will be used. Mutually exclusive with --readfile or --cramfile. --cramfile [string] : path to input .cram alignment file of small RNAs. Only lines with bits 4 and 256 unset will be used. Mutually exclusive with --readfile or --bamfile. --dicermin [integer] : Minimum size of a Dicer-processed small RNA. Must be an integer of at least 15 and <= dicermax. Default: 20. --dicermax [integer] : Maximum size of a Dicer-processed small RNA. Must be an integer of at least 15 and >= dicermin. Deafult: 24. --foldsize [integer] : Size of genomic RNA segments for folding during MIRNA search. Any loci larger than this size will not be analyzed with respect for MIRNA features. Must be an integer of at least 200 and no larger than 1,000. Default: 300. Note that increasing this setting may drastically increase runtimes. --locifile [string] : Path to a tab-delimited plain-text file listing intervals to analyze. Lines starting with # are ignored. First column is coordinate in format Chr:start-stop, second column is names (optional), and any other columns are ignored. Mutually exclusive with option --locus. --locus [string] : Analyze the specified interval(s). Interval(s) is specified in format Chr:start-stop. Multiple intervals can be specified in a comma-separated list. Mutually exclusive with option --locifile. --nohp : Disable MIRNA search. --pad [integer] : Initially found clusters of small RNAs will be merged if the distance between them is less than or equal to the value of pad. Must be an integer between 0 and 50000. Default: 75. --mincov [string] : Clusters of small RNAs must have at least this many alignments. Supply an integer between 1 and 50000. Can also be a normalized value in reads per million. When specifying mincov in reads per million, the mincov value must be a floating point number > 0 and < 500,000 followed by the string 'rpm'. Examples: '5' --> threshold is 5 raw reads. '3.2rpm' --> threshold is 3.2 reads per million mapped. Deafult: 5 (raw reads). SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS ShortStack was developed on Apple Mac OSX devices running 10.9 or 10.10. It has also been tested on Linux (CentOS and Ubuntu). At least 4G memory is suggested. Alignment and building bowtie indices tend to be the most memory-intensive portions for a given run, and memory usage seems to scale with genome size, but not as much with the number of small RNAs. Alignments benefit from multiple processing cores, via the --bowtie_cores option. All other portions are single-threaded. Alignment speed may also be increased using the --sort_mem option to increase the memory used for bam file sorting. Setting a higher --sort_mem will be REQUIRED for very large alignment runs to avoid samtools sort crashes due to too many open files. At least 50G of hard disk space is recommended to be available, due to the sometimes large size of the temporary alignment files and the final alignment file. Extreme settings for options --bowtie_m and --ran_max may cause creation of extremely huge files. The total time of analysis depends on several factors, including most prominently genome size, number of reads analyzed, whether or not bowtie indices need to be created, whether or not MIRNAs are being analyzed, and of course your equipment. Excluding building bowtie indices, we generally have observed run times for alignment + analysis runs to take between 20 minutes and 10 hours using default ShortStack settings. ALIGNMENT METHODS If ShortStack is given the --readfile option, alignments of the reads will be performed. Specifying --readfile is mutually exclusive with both --bamfile or --cramfile Details of alignment methods and performance testing For full details on ShortStack's alignment methods and the results of performance testing, see Johnson et al. (2016) G3 6:2103-2111. doi:10.1534/g3.116.030452. Genome pre-processing Genome file format and naming All runs require a reference genome in FASTA format, specified with the --genomefile option. The file must have a valid suffix .. either .fa or .fasta. Within the genome, if the name of a chromosome has whitespace characters, the name will be trimmed at the first whitespace character. Genome stitching If the reference genome has > 50 chromosomes/scaffolds/contigs, and the genome N50 length is < 1Mb, and MIRNAs are to be analyzed (e.g., --nohp was NOT specified), then ShortStack will 'stitch' the small chromosomes together to make fewer but larger chromosomes. This can drastically improve performance during MIRNA searching for highly fragmented genome assemblies. BUT, if the genome is stitched, the coordinates for stitched references are changed (there is a guide produced), and the bowtie indices will need to be built, which can be time-consuming. Genome stitching can be disabled with the option --nostitch. Genome indexing If not detected, an index of the genome will be created using samtools faidx. bowtie indices If not detected, bowtie-build, using all default settings, will be invoked to create the required six .ebwt indices of the genome. This can be time-consuming, and memory intensive. Reads pre-processing Reads file formats Small RNA reads to be aligned must be in fasta, fastq, or csfasta formats, or their gzip-compressed versions. File extensions must therefore be .fa, .fasta, .fastq, .fq, .csfasta, .fa.gz, .fasta.gz, .fastq.gz, .fq,gz, or .csfasta.gz. Multiple readfiles can be specified with option --readfile by separating the file names/paths with commas. Colorspace reads cannot be mixed with base-space reads; otherwise, mixed file formats are ok. If you wish to also include quality values from SOLiD data, the _QV.qual file(s) can be passed in through the --cquals option. Color-space quality values are NOT accepted in .gz compressed format. No paired-end support There is no support for paired-end reads in ShortStack. Small RNA data are assumed to be single-ended, and represent the 5'-->3' cDNA sequences of cloned RNAs. No condensation Input reads are expected to be de-condensed. That is, if a small RNA was sequenced 10,000 times in a run, there should be 10,000 entries, each with a different header name, in the input readfile. In other words, ShortStack is designed to take reads right off the sequencer without any other pre-processing (except adapter trimming .. see below). Unique read names required The small RNA reads must all have unique names within a given file. If this requirement is not met, alignments will be completely unreliable due to errors in interpreting and handling of multi-mapped reads. Adapter trimming ShortStack has a primitive 3'-adapter capability. Specify an adapter of at least 8nts in length with option --adapter. If nothing is given to --adapter, ShortStack assumes your reads are already trimmed. Trimming simply looks for the right-most exact match to the given apdater sequence, and when found, chops it off. If a read is smaller than 15nts after trimming, it is discarded. For more sophisticated adapter trimming, consider cutadapt or trimmomatic If quality values are present, they are trimmed as well. Alignment overview ShortStack uses bowtie to align reads. It first aligns, and processes the output on the fly to note how many equally good alignment positions were found for each read. It then uses this information in a second phase to 'decide' on the most likely 'correct' location for multi-mapped reads. The final output is a single .bam or .cram formatted alignment file. If multiple readfiles were input, the final bam or cram file notes the origin of each read with the RG tag (see sam format specification). mismatches By default, ShortStack allows up to 1 mismatch for a valid alignment. This helps with sequencing errors and SNPs. If a read has some alignments with 0 mismatches, and some with 1, only those with 0 mismatches are kept. The option --mismatches controls this threshold, and can be set to 0, 1, or 2. *** WARNING : If the genome is large (.ebwtl bowtie indices are made, instead of .ebwt), there is a serious bowtie bug that has yet to be resolved involving the --best option. . To get around this, when aligning to a 'large' reference, ShortStack forces the number of allowed mismatches to be 0. Control of multi-mappers with --bowtie_m In general, we find it's not worth the time or effort to deal with 'extreme' multimapping reads. The --bowtie_m setting determines the threshold of 'extreme' multi-mappers. Reads that have more than --bowtie_m alignments are simply marked as unmapped. The default setting is 50. Valid settings are >=1 or set 'all' to disable any suppression of extreme multi-mappers (not suggested). Optimal placements of multi-mapped reads For multi-mapped reads that have between 2 and --bowtie_m number of equally good alignments, ShortStack has several methods to decide on the true origin of the read. The choice of method is specified with the option --mmap. The methods are: u: Placement guided by uniquely mapping reads. During the alignment, the count of uniquely mapped reads is kept in 50nt bins across the reference genome. The bin location is determined by the left-most coordinate of the uniquely mapped read. After the first phase of alignment for all reads (in all files) has completed, this genome-wide map of uniquely-mapped read counts is used to guide the decisions of the most likely locations of multi-mapped reads. Specifically, for a given multi-mapped read, the local count of uniquely mapped reads at each possible location is computed. The local count is that of the specific 50nt bin the alignment lies in (again, by left-most positon) plus the counts of the 2 bins upstream and 2 bins downstream. All of the local counts are converted to fractions of the sum of all total counts. These fractions are then used as the probabilities of placement for the multi-mapped read. For instance, suppose a multi-mapped read had three possible positions. The read counts of uniquely mapped reads were 30, 65, and 5. This would mean that read has a 30%, 65%, and 5% chance, respectively, of being assigned to each bin. The actual choice is probabilistic, given the computed weightings, for each read. f: Placement guided by all mapped reads. Like u, except that multi-mapped reads also contribute to the guidance densities. All reads contribute 1/(n of alignment positions) to each 50nt bin that the occur in. r: Placement is simply random. This is faster than u and f, but performs much more poorly at properly placing multi-mapped reads. Achieves high sensitivity, but very low precision. n: Multi-mapped reads are all ignored and marked as unmapped. Very fast, but ignores large quantities of data. Achieves high precision, but very low sensitivity. The default setting for --mmap is u ranmax When running mmap method u or f, there are some cases where no guidance can be given, and so the choice on where to put a multi-mapped read is still random. In those cases, the option ranmax will suppress any alignment where the choice is 'too' random. By default, --ranmax is set at 3, so that if a read can't be placed confidently, no placement is done if there are more than 3 choices. Alignment output format Final alignments are sorted bam or cram formatted alignments. bam is the default, while cram is created if the option --cram is set. The alignment file conforms to all SAM/BAM/CRAM format specifications, and has the following features: Headers contain @RG lines to describe each read-group (input readfile). For multi-mapped read alignments that were NOT chosen as the most likely alignment, bit 256 (secondary alignment) is set in the FLAG. For such lines, the SEQ and QUAL values are not stored, to save space. The SEQ and QUAL for multi-mapped alignments are kept only in the primary (chosen) alignment for the read. XX:i tags: Added by ShortStack to each line, this indicates the total number of valid alignments found for the read. XY:Z tags: Added by ShortStack to each line, this indicates how the reported alignment was selected: U: Uniquely mapped, P: Multi-mapped and placed based on probabilities calculated by mmap method u or f, R: Multi-mapped and randomly placed, M: Multi-mapped but marked as unmapped becuase the number of alignment positions exceeded --bowtie_m, O: Multi-mapped but marked as unmapped because no guidance possible and choices exceeded setting --ranmax, N: Unmapped because 0 valid alignments found in genome. XZ:f tags: Added by ShortStack to each line, this indicates the calculated probability of placement for the read. BAM AND CRAM FILE REQUIREMENTS Existing alignments can be provided to ShortStack using the --bamfile or --cramfile options (for bam formatted and cram formatted alignments, respectively). --bamfile and --cramfile are mutually exclusive with each other, and with --readfile. Any properly formatted bam or cram file should work with ShortStack, subject to the requirements below. However, for best performance, it is recommended to use ShortStack for alignments as well. Requirements for input bam or cram files: 1. Header must be present, and contain @SQ lines. 2. File most be sorted. 3. Read groups will not be recognized unless they are properly noted in the header. 4. Paired-end, spliced, clipped, padded, or gapped alignments will be ignored, with a warning to the user. Reads marked as secondary alignments (bit 256 set in the FLAG) will not be used EXCEPT when estimating the abundance uncertainty due to multi-mapping reads (see below). DE-NOVO CLUSTER FINDING Unless options --locus or --locifile are used (see below), ShortStack will de-novo identify clusters of small RNA accumulation genome-wide. Cluster definition is simple: First, all regions containing at least one primary alignment are found where the maximum distance between the ends of the alignments is <= option --pad (default: 75). Second, if the number of alignments in the cluster is >= option --mincov (default: 5), the cluster is kept. The mincov threshold can also be specified in terms of reads per million mapped by using a value such as 3.2rpm (which specifies the threshold to be 3.2 reads per million). Using a rpm threshold allows the sensitivity of cluster discovery to be normalized between libraries of different sizes. UNPLACED SMALL RNAS As of version 3.6 and higher, de-novo identification of small RNA clusters also will include reporting of unplaced small RNAs ... small RNAs that were not placed on the reference genome. Only small RNAs with an abundance higher than the limit set by option --mincov are reported. These small RNAs typically inlcude RNAs that could not be aligned anywhere on the reference, as well as multi-mapped RNAs where ShortStack did not choose a alignment position for (see alignment methods). USER-SPECIFIED CLUSTERS Users can supply specific loci to analyze in two ways. For just one or a few loci, the option --locus can be used. The argument should be a coordinate in the format Chr:Start-Stop. Multiple loci can be specified in option --locus by using commas to delimit them. For larger lists of user-defined loci, and external file can be used instead, specified with option --locifile. The file is a plain-text , tab-delimited format. The first column should list the coordinates in Chr:Start-Stop format. An optional second column can contain names of the loci. Any other columns will be ignored. Also, lines starting with # will be ignored. Options --locus and --locifile are mutually exclusive. Also, if either is used, no de- novo cluster finding occurs. ANALYSIS METHODS Regardless of whether the small RNA clusters were de-novo discovered or user-defined, the analysis methods of each cluster are the same. The major methods are described below: Uncertainties and read-group-specific counts When multi-mapping reads are placed, there is an inherent uncertainty whether they've been put in the right place. When ShortStack is used to make the alignments, all possible alignments for multi-mapping reads are retained (subject to the limits of --bowtie_m and --ranmax; see above) ... one is chosen and marked as the primary, while the others are noted as secondary reads. Importantly the computed probabilities of these placements are retained. Therefore, the alignments in a given cluster, including the secondary alignments, can be resampled to create an estimate of the abundance variability in the locus that is inherent to the multi-mapping decisions made in the alignment. To do this, for each cluster analyzed, ShortStack examines ten replicates. Within each replicate, each read is 'resampled', and put into or excluded from the locus based on the probability (as indicated by the XZ:f tags in the line). This process is repeated for a total of ten times, which allows the calculation of a mean abundance and a standard deviation. If the probabilities are not available (i.e., the alignments lack the XZ:f tag), no variation will be found. This resampling also occurs separately for each read-group in the alignment. The results are in the 'Counts.txt' file, which has the observed number of reads, the mean number of reads for the ten re-samplings, and the standard deviations. When there are multiple read-groups, this is helpful to gather the raw data for differential expression analysis. There is always a read-group called 'main', which is all read-groups combined. Strandedness of loci Loci where >= 80% of the primary alignments are on the top genomic strand are noted with a strand of +. Loci where <=20% of the primary alignment are on the top genomic strand are noted with a strand of -. All other loci are given a strand of . Major RNA For each locus analyzed, the single most abundant RNA is noted and the sequence reported. In cases where there is a tie, the reported major RNA is chosen arbitrarily from among the tied RNAs. Complexity Complexity is a metric that varies from >0 to 1. It is calculated as (n distinct alignments) / (abundance of alignments), thus lower values indicate loci dominated by just a few dominant RNAs, while higher values indicate loci with more diverse sets of small RNAs. DicerCall The 'DicerCall' reflects the predominant RNA size observed in the locus. However, if < 80% of the reads in a locus are NOT within the bounds described by the options --dicermin and --dicermax, then the DicerCall is 'N' instead. DicerCalls of N usually reflect loci where the small RNAs are NOT related to an RNAi process ... most often, breakdown products of abundant RNAs. Note that the predominant RNA size need not be a majority .. for instance a locus with 40% 21 mers, 39% 22 mers, and 21% 23 mers would have a DicerCall of 21. MIRNAs ShortStack's MIRNA analysis is meant to eliminate false positives. It therefore probably allows some degree of false negatives (e.g., loci that really are MIRNAs but are not annotated as such). MIRNA analysis in ShortStack version 3 is a step-wise process. If a locus fails a certain step, it is removed from consideration and given a specific code indicate what step it failed. The codes are below in step-wise order. The Major RNA is always hypothesized to be the mature miRNA in the locus. Note that MIRNA analysis is limited to loci that are <= the length specified by option --foldsize ... the default setting is 300 nts. Increasing this size may allow you to find more MIRNAs, but will also slow down the runtime of the process. MIRNA analysis codes: N0: not analyzed due to run in --nohp mode. N1: no reads at all aligned in locus N2: DicerCall was invalid (< 80% of reads in the Dicer size range defined by --dicermin and --dicermax). N3: Major RNA abundance was less than 2 reads. N4: Major RNA length is not in the Dicer size range defined by --dicermin and --dicermax. N5: Locus size is > than maximum allowed for RNA folding per option --foldsize (default is 300 nts). N6: Locus is not stranded (>20% and <80% of reads aligned to top strand) N7: RNA folding attempt failed at locus (if occurs, possible bug?) N8: Strand of possible mature miRNA is opposite to that of the locus N9: Retrieval of possible mature miRNA position failed (if occurs, possible bug?) N10: General failure to compute miRNA-star position (if occurs, possible bug?) N11: Possible mature miRNA had > 5 unpaired bases in predicted precursor secondary structure. N12: Possible mature miRNA was not contained in a single predicted hairpin N13: Possible miRNA/miRNA* duplex had >2 bulges and/or >3 bulged nts N14: Imprecise processing: Reads for possible miRNA, miRNA-star, and their 3p variants added up to less than 50% of the total reads at the locus. N15: Maybe. Passed all tests EXCEPT that the miRNA-star was not sequenced. INSUFFICIENT evidence to support a de novo annotation of a new miRNA family. Y: Yes. Passed all tests INCLUDING sequencing of the exact miRNA-star. Can support a de novo annotation of a new miRNA family. For loci where MIRNA analysis returns a Y (yes) result, a plain-text summary of the locus and its secondary structure is found in the MIRNAs directory. Users should be aware that sometimes ShortStack will annotate known miRNA-stars as miRNAs, if the abundance of the miRNA-star in the analyzed library is higher. MIRNA analysis can be disabled with the --nohp option. This may save significant analysis time. As of ShortStack version 3.x, MIRNA analysis is geared toward plant MIRNAs. It probably is just fine for animal MIRNAs too, but has not been tested on them. Phasing Phasing here refers to a signature of periodicity of small RNA abundance that reflects dsRNA processing from a defined terminus. Phased siRNA clusters often are triggered by an upstream small RNA-mediated clevage event which causes RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity and subsequent siRNA production from the terminus defined by the cleavage event. For valid loci, ShortStack 3.x uses the formula described by Guo et al. (2015) (doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu628), S = PR * PN * ln(PA), where S is the phase score, PR is the phase ratio (see Axtell 2010 doi: 10.1007/978-1-60327-005-2_5), PN is the number of distinct sequences that are phased, and PA is the abundance of the phased reads. ShortStack calculates the phase score in each possible phase size contained within --dicermin and --dicermax, and returns the best score along with the associated phase register. Higher phasing scores indicate more phasing signature. Not all loci are subject to phasing analysis. Like for MIRNA analysis, there are defined codes that are returned for different outcomes: NP1: no reads at all aligned in locus NP2: DicerCall was N or NA (< 80% of reads in the Dicer size range defined by --dicermin and --dicermax). NP3: Locus size was < (3 * DicerCall)... to short to evaluate phasing NP4: Locus is stranded (>= 80% of reads on top strand OR <= 20% of reads on top strand). NP5: General failure to calculate a phasing score. OUTPUT FILES All output files are in the directory created by ShortStack, whose name is specified by option --outdir The exceptions are the .fai file (genome index file) created if it is not present and the six ebwt bowtie index files that are created if not present ... these are all put in the same location as the input genome file. Log file A log of the run messages is created and written to Log.txt. It is the same as the messages printed to STDERR during the run. ErrorLogs For debugging. Most users won't need to look at this. It stores the verbose outputs of bowtie-build, bowtie, samtools sort, and samtools merge commands that are not kep in the main Log. Sometimes these are helpful in diagnosing bugs, particularly samtools sort and merge bugs due to memory issues. Stitched genome files If the input genome was 'stitched' (see above), the stitched genome file will be put in the ShortStack outdir, along with its fai index, and the six bowtie indices (which end with .ebwt). Additionally, a guide file will be written that describes the relationships between the input genome and the stitched genome. This guide file is tab-delimited plain text. The columns are: 1. Original chromosome name 2. Stitched chromosome name 3. Start of sequence in stitched 4. End of sequence in stitched. Results file The file Results.txt is a plain-text tab-delimited file that contains the core results of the analysis. The columns are labeled in the first row, and are: 1. Locus: Coordinates of the locus in format Chr:Start-Stop 2. Name: Name of the locus 3. Length: Length of the locus (nts) 4. Reads: Total number of primary alignments in the locus 5. MeanReads: Mean value of reads (average of ten re-samplings of secondary alignments). 6. StdevReads: Standard deviation of MeanReads (n=10). 7. UniqueReads: Number of uniquely aligned primary alignments in locus. 8. FracTop: Fraction of primary alignments aligned to the top genomic strand 9. Strand: Strand call for the locus 10. MajorRNA: Most abundant RNA at locus. In cases of tie, MajorRNA is arbitrarily chosen from the tied entries. 11. MajorRNAReads: Number of primary alignments for the MajorRNA. 12. Complexity: A number >0 and <= 1 that reflects the complexity of small RNA production from the locus. Defined by (n_distinct_read_sequences) / (abundance of all reads). Lower numbers indicate loci that are more dominated by a single highly abundant RNA. 13. DicerCall: If >= 80% of the primary alignments were reads >= dicermin and <= dicermax, DicerCall is a number that indicates the predominant size of the RNA population from the locus. If the 80% threshold was not met, then DicerCall is N instead. Can also be NA if the locus had no aligned reads. 14. MIRNA: Results of MIRNA analysis. Codes starting with N indicate not a MIRNA, Y means yes. See above for full description of codes. 15. PhaseSize: Codes starting with N mean phasing was not analyzed, see above for description of codes. Otherwise, a number reflecting the phase register with the best score. 16. PhaseScore: If NA, phasing was not analyzed. Otherwise, reports the phasing score according to equation 3 of Guo et al (2015) doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu628 17. Short: Number of primary alignments that were shorter than --dicermin 18. Long: Number of primary alignments that were longer than --dicermax 19-end: Number of primary alignments of the indicated RNA size. Unplaced file The Unplaced.txt file is plain text, tab-delimited. It shows each unplaced small RNA whose abundance was >= the limit set by --minocv. This file is only created in a de-novo run. RNAs are sorted first by length (ascending) and then by ASCII (ascending). Columns show the sequence, its length, the total number of reads, and the number of equally valid genome alignments. In some cases the number of genome alignments may not be able to be found. An entry of '?' indicates that the number of hits is unknown. This will occur if the BAM file used was not created by ShortStack. An entry of '??' indicates that conflicting information about the number of hits is stored in the bam file. Counts file The Counts.txt file is plain text, tab-delimited. For each locus, it shows the total read counts observed, the mean read counts (n=10 from the resampling method described above), and the standard deviation (n=10 from the resampling method described above). Each read-group is broken out seperately, and the sum of all read groups is also shown (termed 'main'). Data from unplaced small RNAs, if present, are also included in Counts.txt MIRNAs directory This directory contains plain-text descriptions of each locus that was judged 'M' or 'Y' in MIRNA analysis. The files show the sequence of the locus, the predicted RNA secondary structure in dot-bracket notation, and the locations of the miRNA and miRNA-star. If the miRNA-star was not sequenced, its sequence is shown as 'X's instead of the real sequence. Below this top line, all other small RNAs aligned to the locus are shown. Those aligned to the opposite strand have '<' as delimiters instead of '.'. Lower-case nts in the displayed small RNA sequences indicate positions where the small RNA sequence differs from the reference sequence. Note that the reference sequence, not the small RNA sequences, are used to compute predicted secondary structures. l: length of RNA, a: number of alignments. GFF3 files If the run was a de-novo analysis, three gff3 files are created to indicate the positions of the discovered loci. ShortStack_N.gff3 has the loci with DicerCalls of 'N' (e.g., those that are unlikely RNAi-related). ShortStack_D.gff3 has the loci with DicerCalls that were not 'N' (e.g., those that ARE likely RNAi-related). ShortStack_All.gff3 has ALL loci (it is the merger of the other two gff3 files). bam or cram alignment file If aligment was performed, the final bam or cram formatted alignment will also be in the ShortStack outdir. The ShortStack-specific tags of these files are described above (section Alignment output format). FAQ bowtie2 is newer than bowtie. Why do you still require bowtie but disallow bowtie2? Answer: Three reasons. 1) unlike bowtie2, bowtie has support for colorspace data, and 2) According to the manuals for both programs, bowtie2 is optimized for longer (>50 nts) reads, while bowtie is optimized for shorter reads. 3) Time. Despite the above comments, we will explore this transition in future versions of ShortStack. Why does ShortStack say that are known MIRNA loci are NOT MIRNAs? Answer: MIRNA annotation by ShortStack is, by design, meant to strongly reduce, perhaps eliminate, false positives. Any locus given a MIRNA result of 'Y' by ShortStack has sufficiently strong evidence to support its annotation of a miRNA. However, reduction of false positives comes at a price .. there will be some false negatives .. true MIRNAs that are not reported as such by ShortStack. Users should consider a 'No' MIRNA result by ShortStack to mean that the evidence in that particular small RNA-seq run did not offer 100% proof that the locus was a MIRNA. For phasing analysis, why does the PhaseSize often conflict with the DicerCall? Answer: ShortStack's PhaseSize is the phasing register that gave the best phasing score. It is independent of the DicerCall. There will even be cases where there are no actual small RNAs of the PhaseSize at the locus. In most cases, such cases are likely to be low phasing scores anyway. But there are known cases with 21nt phasing but yet a single dominant 22nt siRNA in the locus that would cause the PhaseSize and the DicerCall to differ. I ran the same analysis, with the same reads, and the same settings a second time, and received slightly different results. Is this a bug? Answer: No. This is caused by the treatment of multi-mapped reads. Because the decisions on which of the possible alignment positions are probabilistic, some small number of the reads will be differ in their selected primary positions when alignments are repeated. This is normal, and typically the differences are minor. I get different numbers of MIRNAs with ShortStack 3 relative to earlier versions. Why? Answer: The MIRNA detection methods have changed significantly. You may find ShortStack 3 to be more strict (find fewer MIRNAs) relative to earlier versions. This is because false positives are really minimized with ShortStack 3, potentially at the expense of some false negatives. What happened to the flagfile option from earlier versions of ShortStack? Answer: It is gone. This was a rather crude way to assess overlaps between ShortStack-discovered clusters and loci of a user's interest. Use bedtools instead (using the gff3 output from ShortStack). Are the read counts reported by ShortStack normalized in any way? Answer: No. This is because there are many slight variants for normalization in use. It's better to leave this to the user to decide on. The counts are all raw numbers of reads from the loci in question. ShortStack seems to be slow. Why? And how to make it go faster? Answer: To make alignments go faster, use the --bowtie_cores and --sort_mem options to make full use of your system. Their default settings (1 core, and sort_mem of 768M) are quite low to ensure success on low-powered machines, but if you have more cores and memory available, raising these will speed alignments along quite a bit. Another way to make alignments go faster is to specifiy r or n for option --mmap. But there is a trade-off there .. r causes multi-mapped reads to be just placed randomly instead of more intelligently, while n causes all multi-mappers to be marked as unmapped. So, if you use --mmap of r or n, you will get a much faster alignment, but a much less sensitive and precise one. There are also some tricks to increase the speed of analysis, but they all also involve some down-side. You can set option --nohp, which means that MIRNAs will not be tested for. This will increase the speed of analysis but of course you won't be able to annotate MIRNAs. You can also adjust the option --mincov to have a higher threshold. This will cause fewer loci to be discovered (only those with higher expression levels), so analysis time will be reduced. But of course the trade-off there is that you will not discovery loci with lower expression levels.
ShortStack: Comprehensive annotation and quantification of small RNA genes
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