Docker-rails5-alpine is lightweight Docker images set for Rails applications based on Alpine Linux. This is optimzed for the API mode using MySQL and Redis.
- ruby: 2.6.3
- mysql: 8.0.16
- redis: 5.0.5
Clone this repository
git clone
Add rails code to source directory
cd docker-rails5-alpine
# When use your exist rails app
git clone (your-rails-repository) source
# When create new rails app
mkdir source && cd source
rails new . --api --mysql
Edit your database settings
# config/database.yml
default: &default
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
host: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_HOST") { "" } %>
port: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_PORT") { 3306 } %>
username: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_USER") { root } %>
password: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_PASSWORD") %>
<<: *default
database: your-database
Build docker image
docker-compose build
Create database and run the migrations
docker-compose run --rm web bin/rails db:create
docker-compose run --rm web bin/rails db:migrate
Run the app
docker-compose up -d
Attach rails server
docker attach docker-rails5-alpine_web_1
Then you can access your rails app by localhost:3000