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A library that allows Nostr clients to interact with various Nostr event signers in a uniform manner.

Currently this library supports 3 types of Nostr event signers:

  • Signers based on a bare secret key (SecretKeySigner)
  • NIP-07 browser extensions (Nip07ExtensionSigner)
  • NIP-46 remote signer a.k.a. Nostr Connect / nsecBunker (Nip46RemoteSigner)
    • Both "Initiated by the remote-signer" and "Initiated by the client" connection flows are supported!


npm install nostr-signer-connector

Usage: How to Initialize Signer Instances


Signers based on a bare secret key on memory.

You can create it from a secret (private) key in various format using the constructor:

  • Hex string
  • Bech32-encoded key (nsec1...)
  • 32 bytes of binary data (in a Uint8Array)

It also supports importing NIP-49 encrypted secret key (ncryptsec...) via SecretKeySigner.fromEncryptedKey.

import { SecretKeySigner } from 'nostr-signer-connector';

// from hex string
const hexkey = "deadbeef...";
const signer1 = new SecretKeySigner(hexkey);

// from nsec
const nsec = "nsec1...";
const signer2 = new SecretKeySigner(nsec);

// from binary
const binkey: Uint8Array = ...;
const signer3 = new SecretKeySigner(binkey);

// from NIP-49 encrypted key
const ncryptsec = "ncryptsec...";
const password = "???";
const signer4 = new SecretKeySigner.fromEncryptedKey(ncryptsec, password);


Signers based on a NIP-07 browser extension.

You can create it by passing a window.nostr instance to the constructor.

import {
    type Nip07Extension,
} from "nostr-signer-connector";

const signer = new Nip07ExtensionSigner(window.nostr as Nip07Extension);


Signers based on a NIP-46 remote signer (a.k.a. Nostr Connect or nsecBunker).

You can't create Nip46RemoteSigner instances using the constructor. You should use static initialization methods on Nip46RemoteSigner class, appropriate for type of remote signer you want to support.

Connect to a remote signer ("Initiated by remote-signer" flow)

Use Nip46RemoteSigner.connectToRemote().

It tries to connect to a remote signer by passing the connection token generated by the signer (bunker://<signer-pubkey>?relay=wss://...&secret=<secret-token>), and establishes a session to the signer.

If it succeeded to connect, the returned promise resolves to an object that have session data (session) along with a handle to the signer (signer). You should store this session data in somewhere to resume the session later (e.g. after a browser reload).

import { Nip46RemoteSigner } from 'nostr-signer-connector';

const connToken = "bunker://deadbeef...?"
const { signer, session } = await Nip46RemoteSigner.connectToRemote(connToken);

// store session data to LocalStorage
localStorage.setItem("nostr_connect_session", JSON.stringify(session));

// use the signer as you want...
const ev = await signer.signEvent({...});

Listen connection from a remote signer ("Initiated by the client" flow)

Use Nip46RemoteSigner.listenConnectionFromRemote().

It starts to listen a connection request from a remote signer, and establishes a session to the signer once a connection request is received.

First of all, calling the method generates a connection token for a remote signer (nostrconnect://...) which allows the signer to send connection request to your app. You should show the URI to users in some way, and instruct them to paste it on their remote signer.

You can wait until a session is established by await-ing on established property of the return value. This promise resolves to an object that have session data (session) along with a handle to the remote signer (signer). You should store this session data in somewhere to resume the session later (e.g. after a browser reload).

import { Nip46RemoteSigner, type Nip46ClientMetadata } from 'nostr-signer-connector';

const relayUrls = ["wss://"];
const client: Nip46ClientMetadata = {
    name: "sample client",
    url: "",
    description: "just a sample"
const { connectUri, established } = 
    Nip46RemoteSigner.listenConnectionFromRemote(relayUrls, client);

// show the connect URI to user
console.log("paste this URI on Nostr Connect signer:", connectUri);

// wait until a session to a remote signer is established...
const { signer, session } = await established;

// store session data to LocalStorage
localStorage.setItem("nostr_connect_session", JSON.stringify(session));

// use the signer as you want...
const ev = await signer.signEvent({...});

Resume a session to a remote signer

Once a session to a remote signer have been established by initialization methods above, you can resume the session by passing a stored session data to Nip46RemoteSigner.resumeSession().

import { Nip46RemoteSigner, type Nip46SessionState } from 'nostr-signer-connector';

const rawSess = localStorage.getItem("nostr_connect_session")
if (rawSess === null) {
    // session not stored: start session by methods above

const sess = JSON.parse(rawSess) as Nip46SessionState;
const signer = await Nip46RemoteSigner.resumeSession(sess);

// use the signer as you want...
const ev = await signer.signEvent({...});

The NostrSigner Interface

All signer implementations share common interface as follows:

 * The common interface of Nostr event signer.
type NostrSigner = {
     * Returns the public key that corresponds to the underlying secret key, in hex string format.
    getPublicKey(): Promise<string>;

     * Returns the list of relays preferred by the user.
    getRelays(): Promise<{ [relayUrl: string]: { read: boolean; write: boolean } }>;

     * Signs a given Nostr event with the underlying secret key.
    signEvent(event: NostrEventTemplate): Promise<NostrEvent>;

     * Encrypts a given text to secretly communicate with others, by the encryption algorithm defined in NIP-04.
    nip04Encrypt(recipientPubkey: string, plaintext: string): Promise<string>;

     * Decrypts a given ciphertext from others, by the decryption algorithm defined in NIP-04.
    nip04Decrypt(senderPubkey: string, ciphertext: string): Promise<string>;

     * Encrypts a given text to secretly communicate with others, by the encryption algorithm defined in NIP-44.
    nip44Encrypt(recipientPubkey: string, plaintext: string): Promise<string>;

     * Decrypts a given ciphertext from others, by the decryption algorithm defined in NIP-44.
    nip44Decrypt(senderPubkey: string, ciphertext: string): Promise<string>;