This recipe project is a miniature exercise from the Odin Project (as part of their foundations section). It's designed to give me (and reinforce) a very basic or rudimentary understanding of creating simple websites with html and css. When I'm finished I should have an even more solid grasp on how to structure html and style websites with css.
As an update roughly two weeks later I've finished the recipes project which is similar to my initial attempt in design and concept (Ghibli recipes). But through working on this exercise a second time I've been able to solidify my understanding of basic CSS, HTML, and adding/making git entries.
A few of the key implementations I made were:
- making images as links with captions underneath (HTML)
- making containers for divs and images and styling these containers with flexbox in CSS
- adjusting the layout of the page according to the screen size
- changing the colours of links when visited, hovered, or in their general state
- wrapping text to a set number of characters/words
- adjusting line-height
- making images the same size without losing aspect ratio via object-fit: cover;
- I also worked on file paths and using ../../ to navigate between various folders and files
- making longer git entries through VS Code vs just using the terminal
- pushing web projects directly from a github repository