Python/Jupyter teaching materials for the module Artificial Intelligence 1 at University of the West of England
The notebooks for the lectures and the lab workbooks are all in the weekly folders.
CSCTcloud has nbgitpuller enabled
- Thus if students follow the link below to access it will automatically pull the latest materials in the main branch of this repository
- it will prefer to keep local versions of files so they do not lose their work
- if they get stuck/mess up a file, they can simply delete it then logout and re-enter and it will reload the clean version of that file
- Weekly materials are developed on separate branches then when ready a pull request is opened.
- The PR can be scheduled to do the merge at a specific time using the prscheduler bot (
- This is done by by adding a comment to the PR e.g.
@prscheduler 17/05/2020T19:06 GMT+5