This Python example was based on the MTSDK/examples/mtsdk/xda_cpp/example_mtw.cpp
It was tested with Python 3.8 in Windows 11 and ubuntu 20.04(VirtualBox) with Awinda Dongle and 4 MTw sensors(or Xsens DOT Pro).
pip install keyboard
Xsens Device API is needed, which is included in the MT SDK folder of MT Software Suite 2022.2(under the MTw Awinda section, see below picture), download from
pip install xsensdeviceapi-2022.2.0-cp38-none-win_amd64.whl
In ubuntu, you may need to uncomment these lines, because there might be error: no Modules found:
module_path = "/home/<yourusername>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/"
sys.path.insert(0, module_path)
import xsensdeviceapi.xsensdeviceapi_py38_64 as xda`
sudo python3
if you want to align the initial heading among multiple sensors, or doing heading reset, you need to firstly physically align these sensors with the same heading, then you could uncomment these lines(line 257 to 260):
print("Do heading reset before recording data, make sure all sensors have aligned physically the same heading!!")
all([mtw_devices[i].resetOrientation(xda.XRM_Heading) for i in range(len(mtw_callbacks))])
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