The Core API is responsible for exposing endpoints to create, read, update and delete projects (CRUD operations).
This is made possible by exposing a variety of REST APIs and accessing the database.
You can discover the API using the generated Swagger UI here.
For the moment, the APIs are protected with Basic Authentication.
- user: "user"
- password: "1234"
Note: This will be improved in the future before going live ! ! !
You can for now just run the postgres:latest in Docker Desktop.
Each time it change to a new port, so just check it's the good one in
To view the data in a more gentle manner using pgadmin4, you can use
docker run -p 5050:80 -e '' -e 'PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin' -d --name pgadmin4 dpage/pgadmin4
After a few seconds to one minute, you should to access it here.
Log in:
- Username:
- Password: admin
Click Add New Server and fill in the following fields:
- Server Name: pg (or whatever you prefer)
On the Connection tab:
- Host: host.docker.internal
- Port: 49154
- Username: postgres
- Password: postgrespw
Created by Jimmy Paris.