A biogeochemical modeling library spins off the ecosys model.
git clone --recursive git@github.com:jinyun1tang/EcoSIM.git
Use the script in the root directory to build the code:
sh build_EcoSIM.sh
or run it as a bash script:
This should do everything including building and linking all the required tpls, and configuring, building and linking EcoSIM itself.
The executable will be found in ./build/bin/ecosim.f90.x
This has been tested with gcc on multiple systems, but not intel compilers. See the .github/workflow/ecosim-ci.yml file for examples. You will need cmake to use the build_EcoSIM.sh script.
The build_EcoSIM.sh script lets you set some opttional parameters:
debug=0 mpi=0 shared=0 verbose=0 sanitize=0 regression_test=0
precision="double" prefix="" systype=""
#Leave empty to just use the environment variable compiler CC="" CXX="" FC=""
You can also set options via the command line, for example:
./build_EcoSIM.sh CC=/path/to/cc CXX=/path/to/cxx FC=/path/to/fortran --debug --regression_test
./build_EcoSIM.sh --help
for a full list of optional arguments