This page provides documentation for the source code used in the paper A fast approach to optimal transport: The back-and-forth method [1]. The original code was written in C and we provide here a MATLAB wrapper to the C code.
We are interested in the optimal transport problem
on the unit square . Here
are two densities on
, and
The code solves the dual Kantorovich problem
over functions satisfying the constraints
Requirements: FFTW (download here), MATLAB.
Download the C MEX file w2.c
here or by cloning the GitHub repository.
Compile it: in a MATLAB session run
mex -O CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -std=c99" -lfftw3 -lm w2.c
This will produce a MEX function that you can use in MATLAB. You may need to use -I
and -L
to link to the FFTW3 library. See this page for more information on how to compile MEX files.
In a MATLAB session, run the command
[phi, psi] = w2(mu, nu, numIters, sigma);
are twoarrays of nonnegative values which sum up to the same value.
is the total number of iterations.sigma
is the initial step size of the gradient ascent iterations.
Let us first compute the optimal transport between the characteristic function of a disk and its translate. We discretize the problem with ~1 million points ( ).
n = 1024;
[x, y] = meshgrid(linspace(0.5/n, 1-0.5/n, n));
mu = zeros(n);
idx = (x-0.25).^2 + (y-0.25).^2 < 0.125^2;
mu(idx) = 1;
mu = mu * n^2/sum(mu(:));
nu = zeros(n);
idx = (x-0.75).^2 + (y-0.75).^2 < 0.125^2;
nu(idx) = 1;
nu = nu * n^2/sum(nu(:));
imagesc(mu, 'x',[0,1], 'y',[0,1]);
title('Initial density')
imagesc(nu, 'x',[0,1], 'y',[0,1]);
title('Final density')
Here the densities are renormalized so that
Note that is the translate of
by the vector
, and therefore
numIters = 10;
sigma = 8.0 / max(max(mu(:)), max(nu(:)));
[phi, psi] = w2(mu, nu, numIters, sigma);
FFT setup time: 0.01s
iter 0, W2 value: 2.414694e-01
iter 5, W2 value: 2.500000e-01
iter 10, W2 value: 2.500000e-01
Elapsed time is 3.432973 seconds.
Let's compute the optimal transport between the MATLAB peaks
function and the uniform measure, on the 2d domain .
We discretize the problem with ~1 million points ( ) and plot the densities.
n = 1024;
[x, y] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1,n));
mu = peaks(n);
mu = mu - min(mu(:));
mu = mu * n^2/sum(mu(:));
nu = ones(n);
s = 16; % plotting stride
surf(x(1:s:end,1:s:end), y(1:s:end,1:s:end), mu(1:s:end,1:s:end))
title('Initial density')
surf(x(1:s:end,1:s:end), y(1:s:end,1:s:end), nu(1:s:end,1:s:end))
title('Final density')
Then run the back-and-forth solver:
numIters = 20;
sigma = 8.0 / max(max(mu(:)), max(nu(:)));
[phi, psi] = w2(mu, nu, numIters, sigma);
FFT setup time: 0.02s
iter 0, W2 value: -1.838164e-02
iter 5, W2 value: 9.791770e-04
iter 10, W2 value: 9.793307e-04
iter 15, W2 value: 9.793364e-04
iter 20, W2 value: 9.793362e-04
Elapsed time is 10.016858 seconds.
Finally consider the optimal transport map
and display the displacement as a vector field.
[mx, my] = gradient(-psi, 1/n);
axis square
hold on
s = 64;
quiver(x(1:s:end,1:s:end), y(1:s:end,1:s:end), ...
mx(1:s:end,1:s:end), my(1:s:end,1:s:end), ...
0, 'Color','k');
[1] Matt Jacobs and Flavien Léger. A fast approach to optimal transport: The back-and-forth method. Numerische Mathematik (2020): 1-32.