Caffe on Mobile Devices (V2 is moved to, focusing on extreme light-weight)
Optimized (for memory usage, speed and enegry efficiency) Caffe with OpenCL supporting for less powerful devices such as mobile phone (NO_BACKWARD, NO_BOOST, NO_HDF5, NO_LEVELDB).
I am developing this project. You can watch this project if you want to get the latest news
- double data type is removied, scala data store in float, others store in Dtype (half or float)
- OpenCL supporting (mobile GPU) (Partially finished)
- FP16 Inference support
- BatchNorm shifting to avoid overflow and underflow
- All Layer support
- FP16 caffemodel load and save
- model convertor (From FP32 to FP16)
- As few dependencies as possible (Protobuf, OpenBLAS, CLBlast)
- Optimized memory usage
- Forward Only (I just noticed that in the original implementation, forward only also do unnecessary copy)
- Zero Copy (Shared memory between Host and GPU)
- Backward (I change my mind, Pure Forward Only library will be kept)
Testing on going, I am waitting for a device with large enough memory to get the peak memory usage with the memory usage optimization.
- Convolution Layer (libdnn)
- Deconvolution Layer (libdnn)
- Batch Norm Layer (with shift)
- Others
- Modify the test cases to support half testing
- Check unnecessary data copy in Forward Only mode
- Tune for android devices
- Change the structure of the project (move test out of the src)
- Refactor: OpenCL kernls launch method, redundant code in math_fuctions_cl.cpp
- Doc
The project is test on:.
- Snapdragon 820 development board
- Hikey 970
$ modify the NDK_HOME path in ./tools/ to your NDK_HOME
$ modify the DEVICE_OPENCL_DIR path in ./tools/ to the directory contains include/CL/cl.h and lib64/
$ ./tools/
$ (You may want to choose your own make -j)
$ adb shell
$ cd /sdcard/caffe
Similar as Caffe, you need the proto-file and weights. Follow the below instructions to push the needed file to your devices
$ adb push $CAFFE/examples/style_transfer/style.protobin
$ adb push $CAFFE/examples/style_transfer/a1.caffemodel
$ adb push $CAFFE/examples/style_transfer/HKU.jpg
Load the Android studio project inside the $CAFFE_MOBILE/examples/android/android-caffe/ folder, and run it on your connected device.
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4
OS: ubuntu 16.04
OpenCL Version: 1.2
C++ Version: 5.4.0
For a art style transfer neural network, reduce the single inference time from 7.9s to 2.0s (E5 to NVIDIA 2080).
$ sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libatlas-dev # Ubuntu
$ git clone
$ mkdir build
$ cd ../build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j 40
- Based on
- Inspired by
- Android JNI code based on