- 大阪大学 基礎工学部 電気工学特別講義 2016年度
- Kenji Rikitake / 力武 健次
- Latest revision: 1-MAR-2016
- スライドは英語 / All slides are in English
- 講義は日本語(英語での説明可) / The lectures/talks are in Japanese (English explanation available by request)
- 講義スライドはGitHubで公開 / All slides are publicly available in GitHub
- 成績評価は出席とレポートで / The students need to attend and submit the report for each talk
- Embedded CPU, logic chips, boards, and fast prototyping
- Sensor devices
- (Energy efficiency constraint and solutions) - not really pursued this year
- Cloud computing infrastructure and scalability (SORACOM, etc.)
- End-point access technology (3G/LTE, Bluetooth LE, Wifi)
- Concurrency, distribution, and fault-tolerance
- IoT application fields (health, prosthesis, environmental monitoring, etc.)
- Security issues (various attack vectors, impersonation, targeted attack)
- Privacy issues (pervasive surveillance, redefinition of individualities, etc.)