- 大阪大学 基礎工学部 電気工学特別講義 2023年度
- Kenji Rikitake / 力武 健次
- Latest revision: 19-JUN-2023
Since 2020, I've been delivering the lectures in asynchronous format as a series of videos. This repository contains the copy of the slide sets used in the lecture series.
- スライドは英語 / All slides are in English
- 講義は日本語 / The lectures/talks are in Japanese
- 日本語と英語での質疑応答可 / Japanese and English discussion available
- 講義スライドはGitHubで公開 / All slides are publicly available in GitHub
- 成績評価は出席とレポートで / The students need to attend and submit the report for each talk
Caution: Osaka University School of Engineering Science prohibits copying/redistribution of the lecture series video/audio files used in this lecture series. The license of this repository is not applied to the lecture video/audio files.
The slide PDFs and the Markdown text files for the slides including the brief presentator notes are placed under each topic directory.
Talk topics listed (but not limited to):
- 00: Intro: self introduction
- 01: Latency and laws of physics / Centralized communication / Multiplexing
- 02: Packet switching / Routing basics
- 03: IP addresses / Routing in details / Network transports
- 04: Cloud computing basics / Social implication of cloud computing
- 05: Network fault-tolerance / Network services and programming trends
- 06: Wireless/radio and internet / Information warfare and radio surveillance / "Artificial Intelligence" and the reality
- 07: Outro: reference books, career choice, and lessons learned in my life
Keywords of this lecture:
- Latency and speed of light
- Encapsulation, serialization, and marshalling
- Multiplexing and aggregation
- Synchronization in the asynchronous world
- IP address and the hierarchical routing
- Routing information dissemination protocols (RIP, OSPF, BGP)
- Connection-oriented .vs. connection-less protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP/3)
- Cloud computing .vs. endpoint computing
- Sharing .vs. message passing
- Centralization .vs. decentralization
- Deterministic computation .vs. statistic estimation
Copyright ©2018-2023 Kenji Rikitake. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.