- FM broadcasting multipath distortion estimation by D/U ratio measurement
- Measurement with rtl_power
- Python script copied from rtl-sdr-misc
- Proposed by [Komiya87] and [JushinFM]
- D/U ratio: Desired/Undesired ratio. On FM broadcasting: ratio of the strength of direct/reflected radio waves
(As shown in [Komiya87] and [JushinFM])
- Measure the maximum peak strength for +-50kHz spectrum of the target FM station
- Obtain the maximum value (Lmax) and minimum value (Lmin) within the spectrum
- Obtain the ratio of the maximum and minimum values L = Lmax / Lmin (note: Lmax and Lmin are real values (not in dB), and L must be > 1)
- The estimated D/U ratio R = (L+1) / (L-1) (in the real value, not in dB)
- The result depends on the broadcast contents
- The estimation in [Komiya87] shows the range of D/U ratio R between 10~40 dB
(As shown in [JushinFM])
L | R |
1.8dB | 19.7dB |
5.2dB | 10.7dB |
10.2dB | 5.5dB |
- Measure the spectrum peak values for 5 minutes in every 1 second
- Pick up the maximum values for the 5-minute measured spectrum for each frequency (peakhold.py)
- Note: the first measurement result is inaccurate so discarded
rtl_power -f 88.05M:88.15M:1k -i 1 -e 5m -g 8.7 -w hamming -F 9 -P | tail -n +2 > nhkfm3.csv
python peakhold.py nhkfm3.csv > nhkfm3-ph.csv
% rtl_power -f 85.05M:85.15M:1k -i 1 -e 5m -g 8.7 -w hamming -F 9 -P | tail -n +2 > fmosaka-3.csv
Number of frequency hops: 1
Dongle bandwidth: 1600000Hz
Downsampling by: 16x
Cropping by: 0.00%
Total FFT bins: 128
Logged FFT bins: 128
FFT bin size: 781.25Hz
Buffer size: 16384 bytes (5.12ms)
Reporting every 1 seconds
Found 1 device(s):
0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Tuner gain set to 8.70 dB.
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
- NHK-FM Osaka 88.1MHz / nhkfm3.csv: L = 3.95dB, R = 13.01dB
- FM COCOLO 76.5MHz / cocolo3.csv: L = 3.51dB, R = 14.01dB
- FM802 80.2MHz / fm802-3.csv: L = 3.5dB, R = 14.03dB
- FM Osaka 85.1MHz / fmosaka3.csv: L = 3.11dB, R = 15.03dB
- [JushinFM] Jushin Service Kabushiki Gaisha (受信サービス株式会社), "FM Broadcasting" 「FM放送」, http://www.jushin-s.co.jp/jushin/fm.html#fm02
- [Komiya87] Noriaki Komiya, "Multipath Measurement of FM Radio Waves by Means of Spectrum Analyzer", ITEJ Technical Report Vol.11, No.22, pp. 13~18, RE '87-29 (October 1987), Japanese paper copy: スペクトル・アナライザによるFM放送波のマルチパス測定
- CC-BY-SA 4.0
- Reference papers in Japanese under
are obtained from J-STAGE