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API Documentation

1️⃣ Backend deployed at

Backend framework

  • Node.js and Express gives us the flexibility to control the flow of requests to airtable in a controlled and easy to read environment.
  • Twilio API to allow for posting and receiving sms messages
  • Cron Jobs to allow for scheduling repeatable tasks
  • Airtable API to get existing data from stakeholder

2️⃣ Endpoints

Client Routes

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /clientRoute/login all registered clients Returns token to access client information
GET /clientRoute/getIntakeRecords client(token required) Receives formated client Objects
POST /clientRoute/logMetrics client(token required) input new Health Metric to database
GET /clientRoute/getCoachInfo client(token required) returns current coach object
GET /clientRoute//paginationGetMetrics client(token required) returns full history of Metrics for client
GET /coachRoute/getPatients coach(token required) returns array of clients that logged in health coach is charged with
GET /coachRoute/getClientMetrics/:id requires clientId returns full Metrics history of client id passed in dynamic route
GET /coachRoute/getClientGoals/:id requires clientId returns full goal history of client id passed in dynamic route
POST /twilioRoute/twilio coach(token required) returns a string of the sent message's sid if the post was successful
GET /twilioRoute/messagehistory/:phone requires client Phone number and coach(token required) returns two arrays with messages that were from and to the number in the url string
POST /coachRoute/newRegister returns a personalized message and a jsonwebtoken
POST /coachRoute/login returns a personalized message and a jsonwebtoken
GET /coachRoute/getLastCheckinTime/:id returns the last checkin date and the corresponding patientId from airtable
POST /twilioRoute/postScheduled requires patientId and msg (message) in request body creates scheduled cron instance within the scheduledMessages table
GET /twilioRoute/getScheduled/:id requires valid clientId in url body returns an array of all scheduled messages for provided patientId
DELETE /twilioRoute/deleteScheduled/:id requires valid scheduleId returns a message that says the record was deleted from database
PUT /twilioRoute/updateScheduled/:id requires valid scheduleId returns a message that says the record was updated in database
GET /twilioRoute/getAllScheduledMessages returns all of the scheduled messages from the scheduledMessages table
POST /forgotRoute/forgotPassword requires valid email returns a success message when recovery email is sent
GET /resetRoute/reset/:resetPasswordToken returns an object with user information if token is valid
POST /updatePasswordRoute/updatePasswordViaEmail requires valid email with a password returns a success message saying that the password has been updated

Data Model - Clients

To retrieve token login with non formatted 10 digit phone number


    clientPhone: '1234567899';

THis Will return an object as such:

(token, name and phone number have been altered for security reasons)


  "message": "Welcome back, Joycee!",
  "token": "dlkjdlhlkhdlkaHGFLFlkhLKHGDLKSHLKHGLKHDFLKHDLKhlkHLGKHSLDKhlkh",
  "clientObject": {
    "id": "recIsYAcq6lv1AFJa",
    "fields": {
      "Client Name": "Scarlet",
      "Phone": "(***) ***-1639",
      "Coaching master table": [
      "Language": "English",
      "Availability": "Afternoons 4-6",
      "Coach": [
      "Conditions": [
        "High blood pressure"
      "Health goal": "Lose weight, look good",
      "Motivations": "Be sexy, start dating again",
      "Date": "2019-05-15T22:58:00.000Z",
      "Type of Visit": "In person",
      "Physical activity / Healthy eating / Medication": [
        "Physical activity",
        "Healthy eating"
    "createdTime": "2019-09-17T02:31:20.000Z"

Restricted Routes (need token for access)

GET /clientRoute/paginationGetMetrics will return objects like so:
/paginationGetMetrics returns the full client history using pagination


  "clientRecords": [
      "id": "rec0gkAMkknlJLb8p",
      "fields": {
        "Record Number": 102,
        "Client_Name": [
        "Blood_sugar": 12,
        "Weight": 120,
        "Blood_pressure_over": 14,
        "Blood_pressure_under": 12
      "createdTime": "2019-10-21T16:26:03.000Z"

GET /clientRoute/getIntakeRecords will return objects like so:


  "data": [
      "phoneNumber": "(650) 293-1740",
      "loginTime": 0,
      "clientId": "reck4WW8RRKy9ftQL"
      "phoneNumber": "(650) 281-7582",
      "loginTime": 0,
      "clientId": "rec1CpLM0RxgOfXfx"

GET /clientRoute/getCoachInfo will return an object like so:


    "coachObject": {
        "coachName": "Karin Underwood",
        "coachUrl": ""

POST /clientRoute/logMetrics will post an object to outcomes form like so:
(needs min of one metric)
(if over or under metric, both must be used)


  "records": [


      "fields": {
        "Client_Name": [
        "Date_time": 1000,




POST /coachRoute/newRegister and /coachRoute/login
/coachRoute/newRegister returns a message that is personalized for the registering coach and a jsonwebtoken.


	"password": "hello there!!!",
	"email": "",
	"name": "Karin Underwood"

Example(returned object)

    "message": "Coach Karin Underwood has been register in database.",
    "coachName": "Karin Underwood",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjb2FjaElkIjoicmVjWXdEOWVuTUc0bjJ4cUQiLCJjb2FjaE5hbWUiOiJLYXJpbiBVbmRlcndvb2QiLCJpYXQiOjE1NzM2ODQwODUsImV4cCI6MTU3Mzc3MDQ4NX0.Vv0lrAHXY2YcOZR7JZNIXJyRKonNO2gbxxiZ4j0ZS6Y"

/coachRoute/login returns a message that is personalized for the registering coach and a jsonwebtoken.


	"password": "hello there!!!",
	"email": ""

Example(returned object)

    "message": "Welcome back!!!! Karin Underwood",
    "coachName": "Karin Underwood",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjb2FjaElkIjoicmVjWXdEOWVuTUc0bjJ4cUQiLCJjb2FjaE5hbWUiOiJLYXJpbiBVbmRlcndvb2QiLCJpYXQiOjE1NzM2ODQxMTQsImV4cCI6MTU3Mzc3MDUxNH0.FuMX_uJ1BypzIwKo68reU8RGxu571XLp2ICmFeTDJg0"

GET /coachRoute/getLastCheckinTime/:id returns the last checkin date and patient airtable Id.
/coachRoute/getLastCheckinTime/:id returns the last checkin date and patient airtable Id.


    "lastCheckin": 34,
    "clientId": "rec3NQI2MqXCQNQx1"

GET /coachRoute/getPatients /coachRoute/getClientGoals/:id and /coachRoute/getClientMetrics/:id will return objects like so:
/coachRoute/getPatients returns the full list of client names and client ids that are under the coach's supervision using pagination


"patientList": [
            "clientName": "Bearimy",
            "clientId": "rec3NQI2MqXCQNQX1",
            "conditions": [
                "High blood pressure"
            "motivations": "Be sexy, start dating again",
            "language": "English",
            "clientPhone": "(555) 639-1639"
            "clientName": "Elida",
            "clientId": "rec7clIcwyscyaLhp",
            "conditions": [
            "language": "Spanish",
            "clientPhone": "(555) 679-2711"
        }, ...

/coachRoute/getClientGoals/:id returns the full list of client ids, current goals, start date, goal details, and whether they met the goal. (make sure to pass a valid clientId to the dynamic route)


"patientGoals": [
            "clientId": "rec7clIcwyscyaLhp",
            "goal": "Walk for 10 minutes, once this week",
            "goalDetails": "Still wants to lose weight, hasn't been doing much",
            "startDate": "2019-09-28T00:35:00.000Z",
            "metGoal": "No",
            "notes": "He looks very tired! Maybe we should focus on sleep in the future?\nHe still says that he wants to lose weight."
            "clientId": "rec7clIcwyscyaLhp",
            "goalDetails": "N/A",
            "startDate": "2019-09-01T22:00:00.000Z",
            "notes": "Responsive, he said he had a good night"
        }, ...

/coachRoute/getClientMetrics/:id returns the full list of client ids, blood pressure over, blood pressure under, blood glucose, and weight. (make sure to pass a valid clientId to the dynamic route)


    "patientMetrics": [
            "clientId": "rec3NQI2MqXCQNQX1",
            "date": "2019-10-10T01:02:00.000Z",
            "Blood_pressure_over": 154,
            "Blood_pressure_under": 96,
            "Weight": 212
        }, ...

POST /twilioRoute/twilio returns the string of the twilio message's sid if successful:
/twilioRoute/twilio returns the string of the twilio message's sid if successful. Expects an object with message and Phone.

Example: request

  "Phone": "(306) 701-1679",
  "message": "Hello there!!!!"

GET /twilioRoute/messagehistory/:phone will return two arrays like so:
/twilioRoute/messagehistory/:phone returns two arrays (toMessages and fromMessages) that contain objects that are from the twilio api. The objects in each array are filtered according to the passed phone number in the url string.


  "message": [
            "accountSid": "AC6d95bb53a84635a8d81ad5293692fbc2",
            "apiVersion": "2010-04-01",
            "body": "Sent from your Twilio trial account - derps",
            "dateCreated": "2019-10-30T21:10:02.000Z",
            "dateUpdated": "2019-10-30T21:10:02.000Z",
            "dateSent": "2019-10-30T21:10:02.000Z",
            "direction": "outbound-api",
            "errorCode": null,
            "errorMessage": null,
            "from": "+12513877822",
            "messagingServiceSid": null,
            "numMedia": "0",
            "numSegments": "1",
            "price": "-0.00750",
            "priceUnit": "USD",
            "sid": "SMb175398fe0494182871a83ae4310e7a9",
            "status": "delivered",
            "subresourceUris": {
                "media": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC6d95bb53a84635a8d81ad5293692fbc2/Messages/SMb175398fe0494182871a83ae4310e7a9/Media.json",
                "feedback": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC6d95bb53a84635a8d81ad5293692fbc2/Messages/SMb175398fe0494182871a83ae4310e7a9/Feedback.json"

POST /twilioRoute/postScheduled returns a success message and inserts the scheduled message to the scheduledMessages table:
/twilioRoute/postScheduled returns a success message.

Example: request weekly

    "patientId": "recmLlbDsUaCMUFhf",
    "msg": "hello good morning!",
    "min": "09",
    "hour": "2",
    "ampm": "pm",
    "weekday": "Tuesday",
    "dom": "",
    "month": "",
    "year": "2019"

Example: request monthly

    "patientId": "recmLlbDsUaCMUFhf",
    "msg": "hello good morning!",
    "min": "09",
    "hour": "2",
    "ampm": "pm",
    "weekday": "",
    "dom": "12",
    "month": "Nov",
    "year": "2019"

Example: return object

    "message": "new scheduled message has been inserted for patientId recmLlbDsUaCMUFhf"

DELETE /twilioRoute/deleteScheduled/:id returns a message saying the scheduleId in the url string has been deleted from the database:
/twilioRoute/deleteSchedule/:id returns a message saying the scheduleId in the url string has been deleted from the database.

Example: request

    message: `scheduled message scheduleId 333d1d89-1e82-4743-b987-97974cfe0586 has been deleted.`;

PUT /twilioRoute/updateScheduled/:id returns a message saying the scheduleId in the url string has been updated in the database:
/twilioRoute/deleteSchedule/:id returns a message saying the scheduleId in the url string has been updated in the database.

Example: request weekly

    "patientId": "recmLlbDsUaCMUFhf",
    "msg": "hello good morning!",
    "min": "09",
    "hour": "2",
    "ampm": "pm",
    "weekday": "Tuesday",
    "dom": "",
    "month": "",
    "year": "2019"

Example: request monthly

    "patientId": "recmLlbDsUaCMUFhf",
    "msg": "hello good morning!",
    "min": "09",
    "hour": "2",
    "ampm": "pm",
    "weekday": "",
    "dom": "12",
    "month": "Nov",
    "year": "2019"

Example: return object

    message: `scheduleId 333d1d89-1e82-4743-b987-97974cfe0586 has been updated.`;

GET /twilioRoute/getScheduled/:id returns an array of all scheduled messages written for a particular patientId:


data: [
            "scheduleId": "5f35abba-0034-4268-b021-2b54a028ebb5",
            "patientId": "recmLlbDsUaCMUFhf",
            "min": "09",
            "hour": "2",
            "weekday": "Tuesday",
            "dom": "",
            "month": "",
            "year": "2019",
            "ampm": "pm",
            "msg": "hello good morning!"
        }, ...

GET /twilioRoute/getAllScheduledMessages returns an array of all scheduled messages in the scheduledMessages table:


data: [
            "scheduleId": "5f35abba-0034-4268-b021-2b54a028ebb5",
            "patientId": "recmLlbDsUaCMUFhf",
            "min": "09",
            "hour": "2",
            "weekday": "Tuesday",
            "dom": "",
            "month": "",
            "year": "2019",
            "ampm": "pm",
            "msg": "hello good morning!"
        }, ...

POST /forgotRoute/forgotPassword returns a success message saying that a recovery email has been sent:
/forgotRoute/forgotPassword returns a success message. The email needs to be in the database.

Example: request

    "email": ""

Example: return object

    "message": "recovery email sent"

GET /resetRoute/reset/:resetPasswordToken returns an object containing the user's information with a success message:


    "username": "",
    "name": "Karin Underwood",
    "message": "password reset link a-ok"

POST /updatePasswordRoute/updatePasswordViaEmail returns a success message saying that the password has been reset:
/updatePasswordRoute/updatePasswordViaEmail returns a success message. The email needs to be in the database.

Example: request

    "email": "",
    "password": "new"

Example: return object

    "message": "CoachId recYwD9enMG4n2xqD password has been updated. recoverId 8e529e81-d3ac-46ef-a4db-518263ded689 has been deleted."

2️⃣ Actions

findPatientByPhone(filter) -> finds the clientPhone and references against the phoneNumber in the 'patient-login' DB

updateLoginTime(filter, changes) -> updates the LoginTime associated with the phone number that was used to Log in

insertNewClient(filter) -> adds new client id, loginTime and phone number to database

Coach Routes (these are examples to be updated and do not exist yet)

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /users/current all users Returns info for the logged in user.
GET /users/org/:userId owners, supervisors Returns all users for an organization.
GET /users/:userId owners, supervisors Returns info for a single user.
POST /users/register/owner none Creates a new user as owner of a new organization.
PUT /users/:userId owners, supervisors
DELETE /users/:userId owners, supervisors

3️⃣ Environment Variables

In order for the app to function correctly, the user must set up their own environment variables.

create a .env file that includes the following:

  • PORT
  • AIRTABLE_REFERENCE (Airtable database reference)
  • AIRTABLE_KEY (Airtable credentials)
  • JWT_SECRET (jsonwebtoken secret )
  • ACCOUNT_SID (Twilio account special id)
  • AUTH_TOKEN (Twilio account authentication token)
  • TWILIO_NUMBER (Twilio sender number)
  • EMAIL_ADDRESS (Email address used for forgot password route)
  • EMAIL_PASSWORD (Email password used for forgot password route)
  • SERVER_SECRET (Secret string. Used to authenticate /twilioRoute/getAllScheduledMessages get requests)

🚫 These are just examples, replace them with the specifics for your app _ STAGING_DB - optional development db for using functionality not available in SQLite _ NODE*ENV - set to "development" until ready for "production"

  • JWTSECRET - you can generate this by using a python shell and running import random''.join([random.SystemRandom().choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&(-_=+)') for i in range(50)]) _ SENDGRID_API_KEY - this is generated in your Sendgrid account * stripe_secret - this is generated in the Stripe dashboard


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Please note we have a code of conduct. Please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

Issue/Bug Request

If you are having an issue with the existing project code, please submit a bug report under the following guidelines:

  • Check first to see if your issue has already been reported.
  • Check to see if the issue has recently been fixed by attempting to reproduce the issue using the latest master branch in the repository.
  • Create a live example of the problem.
  • Submit a detailed bug report including your environment & browser, steps to reproduce the issue, actual and expected outcomes, where you believe the issue is originating from, and any potential solutions you have considered.

Feature Requests

We would love to hear from you about new features which would improve this app and further the aims of our project. Please provide as much detail and information as possible to show us why you think your new feature should be implemented.

Pull Requests

If you have developed a patch, bug fix, or new feature that would improve this app, please submit a pull request. It is best to communicate your ideas with the developers first before investing a great deal of time into a pull request to ensure that it will mesh smoothly with the project.

Remember that this project is licensed under the MIT license, and by submitting a pull request, you agree that your work will be, too.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build.
  • Update the with details of changes to the interface, including new plist variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters.
  • Ensure that your code conforms to our existing code conventions and test coverage.
  • Include the relevant issue number, if applicable.
  • You may merge the Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of two other developers, or if you do not have permission to do that, you may request the second reviewer to merge it for you.


These contribution guidelines have been adapted from this


See [Frontend Documentation](🚫link to your frontend readme here) for details on the fronend of our project. 🚫 Add DS iOS and/or Andriod links here if applicable.


No description, website, or topics provided.



Code of conduct





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