Apps developed as assignments for the "PROGRAMACAO PARA DISPOSITIVOS MOVEIS" undergrad course. Do not give the code too much attention; these small projects by no means aim at code quality.
All the projects here are null-safe unless stated otherwise.
This project updates the number of occupied seats in a restaurant and checks their availability.
This is your average IMC calculator.
This app shows real-time changes on stock prices from the Bovespa stocks index. It uses data coming from the hgbrasil's API.
- Web API consuming;
- Animations (by extending AnimatedWidget);
- CustomPainter.
If you want to build the project, you have to set the variable _kApiKey
in the lib/api/http.dart file to an actual API key from hgbrasil.
Your almost-average todo list app.
- Local storage persistence.
- Snackbar;
- Dismissible items;
- RefreshIndicator;
- Persistence in the documents path.
f_contact (Flutter 2.0)
Your slightly-above-average contact list app.
This app was built with mobx for state management and flutter_modular for depency injection and navigation. I had some problems because, by the time I made the app, mobx_codegen didn't have a stable null-safe version, and flutter_modular's latest version was kinda unstable as well.
- Local storage persistence with SQLite.
- Saving a photo from camera for each contact.