Interactive app with the aim of creating publications and assigning DOCID object, publishing and management of records. This client application has been developed using React, and integrates with the DOCID backend app.
The DOCID client is a simplified tool for visualizing records, metadata and facilitating user management. Researchers and professionals, such as librarians etc. can view published records, create and edit records.
This README just outlines the basic project setup and layout.
Make sure to check out the
It is best to follow the structure section of the README in GitHub or GitLab since the links work best there. |
The application is split into two parts – the back-end (written in Python & Flask), and the front-end, current application (written in JavaScript & React).
The general folder structure for the project can be seen below:
├── public # Directory contains static files that are accessible from the root URL of your app ├── src # Directory contains the source code of your application │ ├── assets # GIS data and untility folder │ ├── components # Directory of React components used in this project │ ├── pages # Directory of pages used in this project │ ├── App.css # Styling of the main App component │ ├── App.jsx # Main application component │ ├── index.css # Contains project styling │ ├── main.jsx # Entry point for this React app ├── .env.sample # File containing the environment variables ├── eslintr.cjs # Configuration file used by ESLint, a popular JavaScript linter tool. ├── .gitignore # List of files and folders to be ignored by git ├── .prettierignore # File directing Prettier CLI and editors know which files to not format ├── .prettierrc # Config file to let editors and other tools know you are using Prettier ├── docker-compose.yml # Docker compose configuration contianing services for this app ├── Dockerfile # Docker instructions for building this app in development ├── # Docker instructions for building this app in production ├── index.html # Main HTML template for this project ├── Makefile # Instructions on commands to run ├── package.json # List of all third-party dependencies ├── pnpm-lock.yaml # Indicates break down/ resolving all node package versions and their internal third-party via pnpm dependencies ├── README.adoc # AddProject's readme ├── vite.config.js # Contains Vite configuration
To perform some routine operations, a Makefile with a set of make
commands is provided. In order to run these commands, the GNU make
needs to be installed. Some of the commands are listed below.
To be able to run this project in development, you require Node and pnpm package manager. The reason for choosing pnpm over npm is faster installation, space efficiency etc.
Installing NPM can be referenced from the Node.js Binary Distributions
Pnpm installation can be referred from pnpm installation
Clone this project in your computer or server and run this command to install packages necessary to run this app via
git clone
Navigate into this project directory and install packages using pnpm via
pnpm i
command. -
Run in development via
pnpm run dev
which will run this app on the default port 5173 (refer to vite documentation for more details)
To be able to run the project in Docker environment, it’s necessary to have
Please refer to
Docker installation docs and Docker Compose installation docs to install them. |
To build and setup the application from the ground up, just type:
make setup
This will create the necessary Docker containers and install the required pnpm packages.
At the start the project has no data in the database. No users, or projects.
make start-app
make runserver
After a successful startup, the application should be accessible at (Vite)
There are a number of other useful |