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Available Trainings

If you require accommodations for any of the trainings below, please email

How to perform manual/automated testing

Remote | October 21 from 10:00 – 11:00 am

This training will provide you with the necessary resources and skills needed to conduct full automated and manual testing of websites or software. Automated testing will include how to run reports in Deque AxeMonitor, Color Contrast checkers, and free browser plugins. Manual testing will cover screen readers, screen magnifiers, and other commonly used Assistive technology.

How to check documents/PDFs for accessibility

Remote | November 12 from 10:00 – 11:00 am

This training will provide you with the necessary resources and skills to review your documents for accessibility. This will include Word, PowerPoint, and PDFs. While we will not be going into detail on how to fix issues, we will provide you with general guidelines for what an accessible document should include, and ways you can create readable and usable. documents

Working with vendors (Best practices for accessible purchasing )

Remote | December 10 from 10:00 – 11:00 am

This training will provide you with the necessary resources and skills needed to conduct full automated and manual testing of websites or software. Automated testing will include how to run reports in Deque AxeMonitor, Color Contrast checkers, and free browser plugins. Manual testing will cover screen readers, screen magnifiers, and other commonly used Assistive technology.

D/deaf and Hard of Hearing inclusion matters (part 1)

Remote |Multiple time slots available: October 15 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm, October 16 from 10:00 – 11:00 am

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

All participants will receive the recording of their training after the meeting, along with a checklist of items to help build a more inclusive course, whether in-person, hybrid, or remote.

Register for Inclusion Matters- October 15
Register for Inclusion Matters- October 16

D/deaf and Hard of Hearing signs of identity & culture (part 2)

Remote |Multiple time slots available: November 19 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm, November 20 from 10:00 – 11:00 am

This training will provide you with knowledge of Deaf Culture and Identity. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf students’ experiences and perspectives
  • De’VIA Art, Deaf Story telling, Deaf poetry, Deaf dance
  • Deaf oppression and liberation art
  • “Audism”
  • History and development of the American Deaf Community & Deaf Culture

Register for Identity and Culture- November 19
Register for Identity and Culture- November 20

D/deaf and Hard of Hearing facilitating classroom collaboration (part 3)

Remote |Multiple time slots available: December 3 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm, December 4 from 10:00 – 11:00 am

This training will provide you with knowledge of how to best support d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in the classroom. You will leave with :

  • Practical insight into how to set up an accessible classroom
  • A better understanding of how to encourage accessible peer to peer interactions/collaboration
  • Best teaching practices considering intersectional identities including Deaf, Deaf Blind, Deaf Disabled, and Hard of Hearing
  • Classroom focused tips and tricks
  • Discover how to use visual aids, captioning, and assistive listening devices to enhance learning.

Register for Classroom Collaboration- December 3
Register for Classroom Collaboration- December 4

**The D/Deaf and Hard of Hearing trainings are part of the Classroom Inclusivity Training series, and will earn point in competency 2 towards their badge.