There are two methods of running your task.
- a) use an autoload module that hooks on the PWCron->cronHook()
- b) use "Modules to run" configuration field to add your Module and Method to be ran at desired intervals
A requires that your module supports PWCron and handles the logging and rundelays internally B allows any module to be loaded and any function to be called and doesnt require direct support
PWCron requires that you have Cron or equivalent system to execute the module in the background. Suggested interval is 5-60 minutes depending on how often you want the subsystem calls to run. Cron example is that is run every 5 minutes:
System cron:
*/5 * * * * <user> <path_to_php-cli> <path_to_processwire>/site/modules/PWCron/cron.php
User cron:
*/5 * * * * <path_to_php-cli> <path_to_processwire>/site/modules/PWCron/cron.php