v1.4.12: Devel 1.4.12 (#55)
released this
28 May 16:31
* Cleaner pool iterable
* Added pipeline scripts for fast inspection
* Bugfix: SimpleFastaParser uses the entire header as identifier!
* Version++
* Even better handling of fasta files.
Expanded tests so it doesn't happen again
* Version++
* Threading (#43)
* pathos.multiprocessing -> pathos.ThreadingPool
* typo. Wrong fasta file
* Deleted comments
* Added done message
* version++
* Going back from pathos.ThreadPool to pathos.multiprocessing
* --debug: Improved logging and loggers
* version ++ 1.4.10
* Bugfix: full transition back to pathos.mp
* Removed asserts from input files: now we can use /dev/fd, stdin, stdout, devnull...
* v 1.4.11
* Fixed memory leak when multiprocessing
- Kill each child when they end their task: maxtasksperchild=1
* Version 1.4.12