This repo is a clone of the official Lua repository, where I publish my own changes and improvements.
This branch implements…
This branch adds support for direct
enumeration in Lua, for any type of collection: Lua tables and native collections
implemented as userdata, without having to call pair()
or ipair()
, in the for-in statement.
For example, you can now write:
for var1, var2, var3 in collection do
-- do some stuff
enumeration can be customized by defining a "__forgen"
metamethod that shall return the 3 values needed
by the generic for loop: an iterator function, a state, and the initial value of the iterator variable.
If no "__forgen"
metamethod is defined and the collection is a Lua table, direct enumeration is equivalent to
calling the standard Lua library function pair()
Internally, a new Lua op-code 'OP_TFORPREP' has been added, that replaces the initial JMP instruction when initializing a generic for loop. When executed, this opcode checks for the presence of a "__forgen" metamethod in the loop base object and calls it if present.