"Reinforcement Learning based Strategic Bidding in the Balancing Market with a Virtual Power Plant"
In your console:
git clone https://github.com/jlp-ue/MA-VPP-RL-bidding MA-VPP-RL-bidding
cd MA-VPP-RL-bidding
pip install virtualenv
(if you don't already have virtualenv installed)virtualenv venv
to create your new environment (called 'venv' here)pip3 install -r requirements.txt
to install the requirements in the current environmentsource venv/bin/activate
to enter the virtual environment- To login into Weights and Biases follow these steps:
- Log in to https://wandb.ai
- Enter in terminal
wandb login --relogin
- Follow the instructions in the terminal and add the wandb API code.
- After that enter in terminal:
jupyter lab
- Wait for jupyter to start and open "02_VPPBiddingEnv.ipynb"
- Run Notebook (Weights and Biases Visualisation may not be shown)
- Code for the environment definition is in https://github.com/jlp-ue/MA-VPP-RL-bidding/blob/main/vpp-gym/vpp_gym/envs/vpp_env.py