SupyPlugins 2020.01.05
New features
- New GitLab plugin (GitLab commit announcer), based off code by Moritz Lipp (
- New Qalculate plugin: a thin wrapper around the Qalculate! desktop calculator
- NuWeather: added OpenWeatherMap backend
- NuWeather: added weatherstack backend, replacing Apixu
- NuWeather: support showing wind gust details
Bug fixes / improvements
- SedRegex: properly abort when a search times out
- SedRegex: optimize; spawn a single process to handle the whole history (#89)
- NuWeather: better error handling when looking up an unknown location
- MCInfo: fixed parsing for crafting recipes
Removed features
- Removed unmaintained plugins CtcpNext, Namegen, PassGen
- PkgInfo: removed outdated CentOS fetcher