This code runs the Bayesian optimisation with the search space defined with the distribution derived boundary (DDB) method. It also runs other similar methods to compare performance. The paper describing the algorithm has been published in Knowledge Based Systems and can be found here:
NOTE: The code here is still being edited for clarity.
This code requires python 2.7. It will need to be modified to work with later versions of python. It requires several standard python packages such as numpy, scipy, pickle, itertools, random, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, math, time, mpl_toolkits, and copy.
The real world experiments require Matlab engine ( and Keras ( Keras itself requires TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. The rest of the code does not require these so it can be run without them by removing any imports of
We used the code on a windows 10 machine with Matlab R2015b and a Theano-based Keras.
Some code, including the real-world functions, are taken from previous works by Nguyen et al. These can be found here: and here:
A quick example of the code is shown in This shows the optimization of the Hartmann 3D function.
IMPORTANT: The pickle_location variable in must be changed to the location of your pickleStorage file for this code to run
The file controls the rest of the code It is set up to run a Hartmann 3D function but instructions running other functions and altering other parameters are given as comments in the code between rows of hash symbols.