This is a package for Sublime Text 2 & 3 that provides autocompletion for the ShouldJS assertion library. It supports only calls in the format should(target).assertion(expectation)
Look for ShouldJsSnippets.
- Go to your packages folder (in Sublime : Preferences > Browse Packages…).
- Clone the repo
git clone
Download this repo as a ShouldjsSnippets folder and save it into your packages (in Sublime : Preferences > Browse Packages…).
Trigger | Snippet |
sheq | should(target).equal(expectation) |
sheql | should(target).eql(expectation) |
shdeq | should(target).deepEqual(expectation) |
Trigger | Snippet |
sht | should(target).be.true() |
shf | should(target).be.false() |
shok | should(target).be.ok() |
shnok | should(target) |
Trigger | Snippet |
shmt | should(target).match(str|regex|obj|fun) |
shmtea | should(target).matchEach(regex|fun) |
shmtsm | should(target).matchSome(regex|fun) |
Trigger | Snippet |
shgt | should(target).be.greaterThan(n) |
shgte | should(target).be.greaterThanOrEqual(n) |
shlt | should(target).be.lessThan(n) |
shlte | should(target).be.lessThanOrEqual(n) |
shapprox | should(target).be.approximately(value, delta) |
shwithin | should(target).be.within(min, max) |
shinf | should(target).be.Infinity() |
shnan | should(target).be.NaN() |
Trigger | Snippet |
shstart | should(string).startWith(prefix) |
shend | should(string).endWith(suffix) |
Trigger | Snippet |
shcd | should(target).containDeep(expectation) |
shcdo | should(target).containDeepOrdered(expectation) |
shceq | should(target).containEql(expectation) |
Trigger | Snippet |
shful | should(target).be.fulfilled() |
shfwith | should(target).be.fulfilledWith(expectation) |
shrej | should(target).be.rejected() |
shrwith | should(target).be.rejectedWith(error) |
shprom | should(target).be.a.Promise() |
shfin | should(target).finally.matcher |
Trigger | Snippet |
shemp | should(target).be.empty() |
shlen | should(target).have.length(expectation) |
shprop | should(target), value) |
shoprop | should(target).have.ownProperty(name) |
shprops | should(target) |
shkeys | should(target).have.keys(...keys) |
shenum | should(target).have.enumerable(name, value) |
shenums | should(target).have.enumerables(...names) |
shproppath | should(target).have.propertyByPath(...path) |
shproppatheq | should(target).have.propertyByPath(path).equal(value) |
shpropdesc | should(target).have.propertyWithDescriptor(name, descriptor) |
Trigger | Snippet |
shbool | should(target).be.a.Boolean() |
shstr | should(target).be.a.String() |
shnum | should(target).be.a.Number() |
shdate | should(target).be.a.Date() |
sharr | should(target) |
sherr | should(target) |
shfun | should(target).be.a.Function() |
shinst | should(target).be.instanceOf(constructor) |
shtype | should(target).be.type(expectation) |
shnull | should(target).be.Null() |
shund | should(target).be.Undefined() |
shobj | should(target) |
shclass | should(target).be.a.Class() |
shargs | should(target).be.Arguments() |
Feel free to open up an issue/PR if you find anything missing or an error in the current snippets.
Keywords: shouldjs, snippets, javascript