easy-rscp is an INOFFICIAL library written in Typescript (fully JS compatible) for accessing E3DC home power stations.
E3DC is a brand of HagerEnergy Gmbh (website). I have nothing to do with the company, except that I own a home power plant from E3DC and wanted to include it in my SmartHome. This "desire" gave birth to easy-rscp.
This library is a port of easy-rscp. Most of the classes and principles from easy-rscp also work here.
The library was developed from the kotlin library easy-rscp. The documentation of the kotlin library is very detailed and has been supplemented by the typescript information. You will definitely find what you are looking for there. easy-rscp-docu
You can use the library in 2 different ways, either you use the ready-made services or, if you need more functions, you can use the low-level API.
npm i easy-rscp
import {
} from 'easy-rscp-js';
const connectionData: E3dcConnectionData = {
address : 'IP of your home power station',
port : 5033,
portalUser : 'user username for the e3dc portal',
portalPassword : 'the corresponding password',
rscpPassword : 'The RSCP password that is configured on the home power station'
const aesFactory = new RijndaelJsAESCipherFactory(connectionData.rscpPassword)
const connection = new DefaultHomePowerPlantConnection(easyRscpConnectionData, aesFactory)
const infoService = new DefaultInfoService(connection)
.then(infos => {
.catch(e => {
.finally(() => connection.disconnect())
import {
} from 'easy-rscp-js';
const connectionData: E3dcConnectionData = {
address : 'IP of your home power station',
port : 5033,
portalUser : 'user username for the e3dc portal',
portalPassword : 'the corresponding password',
rscpPassword : 'The RSCP password that is configured on the home power station'
const aesFactory = new RijndaelJsAESCipherFactory(this.settings.rscpKey)
const connection = new DefaultHomePowerPlantConnection(easyRscpConnectionData, aesFactory)
const request = new FrameBuilder()
new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_PV).build(),
new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_BAT).build(),
new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_GRID).build(),
new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_HOME).build(),
new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_BAT_SOC).build(),
.then(r => {
console.log(new StringFrameConverter().convert(r))
.catch(e => console.error(e))
.finally(() => connection.disconnect())
You want to help? Great! You are welcome. Any help is welcome.
You can submit bugs or feature requests via the GitHUB issues section.
If you have a pull request, it is of course welcome.
You want to become a maintainer? Create a ticket in the issues section and I'll get back to you.
The project is published under the MIT license. Just look at the LICENSE file in the repository