- CPython 2.7.x
RDBMS (below, DB)
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Mysql (development)
Table Spec
- All table must have Numeric Primary Key Field
DB User Grant
- can access DB's metadata ([INFORMATION_SCHEMA] database)
- some metadata tables create in source RDBMS
- (If you don't want create table in source, you can use sqlite. fork this project and edit source)
Google Cloud SDK
- install Google Cloud SDK must be required
Pymssql freetds
pip install migbq
- like embulk ( http://www.embulk.org )
- config.yml
type: mssql
host: localhost
user: USER
password: PASSWORD
port: 1433
database: DATABASE
- tbl
- tbl2
- tbl3
batch_size: 50000
temp_csv_path: /temp/pymig_csv
temp_csv_path_complete: /temp/pymig_csv_complete
type: bigquery
project: GCP_PROJECT
dataset: BQ_DATASET
- config.j2.yml
- variable is enviromant variable only.
- file extension is .j2.yml
type: mssql
{% include "mssql-connect.yml" %}
- tbl
- tbl2
- tbl3
batch_size: 50000
temp_csv_path: /temp/pymig_csv
temp_csv_path_complete: /temp/pymig_csv_complete
type: bigquery
project: {{ env.GCP_PROJECT }}
dataset: BQ_DATASET
migbq run config.yml
migbq check config.yml
migbq sync config.yml
- Primary Key base count check.
- you can add crontab
- migbq have exclusive process lock. so you can add crontab every minute.
- you must add both run and check
[1] select RDBMS table metadata
- get table primary key name in RDBMS metadata table.
- get column name and type fields in RDBMS metadata table.
[2] select RDBMS Primary key value range
- get min / max PK of table
[3] select data in primary key range
- select with pk min and min + batch_size
select * from tbl where 0 < idx and idx <= 100;
- create file pymig-tbl-idx-1-100
- gzip csv
[4] upload csv file to bigquery
- direct upload to bigquery table. not upload to GCS (quota exceed can occur)
[5] Repeat 1~4 until over the max primary key.
For example, batch_size : 100, max pk is 321, then rdbms query execute like below.
select * from tbl where 0 < idx and idx <= 100;
select * from tbl where 100 < idx and idx <= 200;
select * from tbl where 200 < idx and idx <= 300;
select * from tbl where 300 < idx and idx <= 400;
-- end
- check bigquery jobid end.
- retry fail job.
- log file create in config file's sub directory [log]
- pid file provide unique process for unique command. created at below directory. exclusive file lock.
- one row insert when each 'select' runs
field name | type | description | smaple value | etc |
tableName | STRING | target [tableName] | tbl | Primary Key |
firstPk | INTEGER | [tableName]'s Min Primary Key value | 1 | |
lastPk | INTEGER | [tableName]'s Max Primary Key value | 123 | |
currentPk | STRING | [tableName]'s read complete Primary Key value | 20 | |
regDate | DATETIME | this row's insert date | 2017-11-29 01:02:03 | |
modDate | DATETIME | firstPk, lastPk modify date | 2017-11-29 01:02:03 | |
endDate | DATETIME | currentPk reach lastPk date | 2017-11-29 11:22:33 | |
pkName | STRING | [tableNames]'s Primary Key Name | idx | |
rowCnt | INTEGER | [tableNames]'s count(*) | 123 | |
pageTokenCurrent | STRING | not use now | tbl | |
pageTokenNext | STRING | not use now | tbl |
- sequance
- run : insert a row to this table when 'select [tableName]' executed
- run : update a row to this table when bigquery jobId created
- check : update a row to this table's jobComplete and checkComplete when bigquery jobId call ends
field name | type | description | smaple value | etc |
idx | BigInt | PK | 1 | Primary Key Auto Increment |
tableName | STRING | [tableName] | tbl | Primary Key |
regDate | DATETIME | row insert date | 2017-11-29 01:02:03 | |
endDate | DATETIME | when jobId is 'DONE' | 2017-11-29 11:22:33 | |
pkName | STRING | [tableNames]'s Primary Key Name | idx | |
cnt | INTEGER | bigquery api : statistics.load.outputRows | 123 | |
pkUpper | INTEGER | each 'select' executed : [PKName] <= [pkUpper] | 100 | |
pkLower | INTEGER | each 'select' executed : [PKName] > [pkLower] | 0 | |
pkCurrent | INTEGER | same as pkUpper | 99 | |
jobId | STRING | bigquery upload job jobId | job-adf132f31rf3f | |
errorMessage | STRING | when jodId check result is 'ERROR', then write this | ERROR:bigquery quota exceed | |
checkComplete | INTEGER | check command | 1 | |
jobComplete | INTEGER | check command jobId check complete. success=1, fail=-1 | 1 | |
pageToken | STRING | use as etc |
- parallel loading not supported.