More information about these 42 school projects
Project | Language | Grade | Description |
libft | C | 125% | Create a library of basic functions. |
GNL | C | 125% | Read a single line from a file descriptor, can be used in a loop. |
ft_printf | C | 100% | Recode the standard C library function, printf. |
born2beroot | Shell, CLI | 120% | Create a virtual machine to host a Debian server. |
minitalk | C | 125% | Make 2 terminals talk. |
push_swap | C | 125% | Sort Numbers in a stack. |
so_long | C | 123% | Short 2D game in C |
minishell | C | 101% | Replicate bash terminal in C |
philosophers | C | 100% | Threads in C |
cub3d | C | 103% | Raycasting in C |
netpractice | Networking | 100% | Networking, routing and addresses introduction |
cpp-modules | C++ | 100% | Introduction to C++ |
ft_irc | C++ | 125% | A basic implementation of an IRC server |
inception | Docker | 100% | Wordpress website built with MariaDB and Nginx |
transcendence | Python | 125% | Pong website made with Python |