OXID eShop Extension for Supporting more fields in oxOrderArticles
The module is available for the following versions
- OXID eShop 6 (actual module version)
- OXID eShop 4.x / 5.x (download here)
Install the module
composer config repo.JxMods/JxOrderFields git https://github.com/job953/jxorderfields.git
composer require jxmods/jxorderfields
Activate the module
Navigate in the admin backend of the shop to Extensions - Modules.
Select the module jxOrderFields and click onActivate
If you open the menu Products, you will see the the new menu item Text Finder.
First switch to the tab Settings and enter these fields (one in each line) from oxarticles you want to transfer additionally to oxorderarticles on each sale and save the settings.
the module now.
The fields, defined in the settings, will be created in the table oxorderarticles during the module activation if they don't exist. To avoid conflicts, the prefix ox will be removed and replaced by the prefix jx.
If you later add more fields to the settings, you have toDeactivate
the module once andActivate
it again for checking and creating the new database fields. -
As an alternative method to the automatically created fields, you can create the additional database fields in the table oxorderarticles manually, but with the prefix jx instead of ox.
Goto branch oxid-4x and follow the instructions there.
oxorder.oxean --> oxorderarticles.jxean
oxorder.oxvendorid --> oxorderarticles.jxvendorid
- Later changes (eg. larger field size) made on the original fields will be not handled by the module.
- Removing fields from the definition doesn't delete the fields in oxorder
- The activation events works as well for the built-in fields as for custom fields.
tbd ...