Netcdf2vtu is a Python package including a command line interface (CLI) to interpolate data from netCDF on VTU files.
Ideally, you have created a virtual python environment. If not look here.
A stable release is available on so you can install it via
$ python3 -m pip install netcdf2vtu
To install the development version, you have to actually install it from a clone of this repo.
$ git clone
Go into the repo and install the dependencies:
$ cd netcdf2vtu
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Then install the package:
$ pip install .
You can run the tests with:
$ pytest .
Netcdf2vtu can be imported as a Python module or used from the command line.
A brief example of how to map data from the NETCDF4 file data/
on the destination VTU data/ogs.vtu
using the Mapper
class is
presented below.
Just define the required input data to the Mapper
from netcdf2vtu.netcdf2vtu import Mapper
# setup ---------------------------------------------------------
nc_path = "data/" # path of input netcdf file
vtu_path = "data/ogs.vtu" # path of vtu file
vtu_new_path = "ex3_new.vtu" # path of updated vtu file
data_var_names = ["SWC_L01", "SWC_L02"] # names of the netcdf data \
# variables
map_func_type = 1 # def mapping func type 1: Voronoi, 2:Gaussian,
# 3:Shepard
nc_crs = "EPSG:4326" # coordinate system in netcdf file
vtu_crs = "EPSG:5684" # coordinate systetm in vtu file
nullvalue = -9999
Then create a mapper object.
# for convenience, all the above can be within two statements
mapper = Mapper(nc_path,
And start the interpolation: = vtu_new_path,
lat_name = "lat",
lon_name = "lon",
time_name = "time")
The outputted file ex3_new.vtu
is a copy of the VTU file
including the interpolated data.
From the command line you can do the same as above with:
$ netcdf2vtu -o ex3_new.vtu --time time data/ data/ogs.vtu EPSG:4326 EPSG:5684 SWC_L01 SWC_L02
Note that the arguments to define the name of the output VTU file, the map_func_type
and names for coordinates have default values and may not need to be explicitly set in the call as shown above.
Use the help function to see the specifics of the netcdf2vtu
$ netcdf2vtu -h
usage: netcdf2vtu [-h] [-o OUT_VTU] [-m MAP_TYPE] [-n NULLVALUE] [--lat LAT] [--lon LON] [--time TIME] in_nc in_vtu nc_crs vtu_crs var_names [var_names ...]
Interpolates data from netCDF4 files to VTU files.
positional arguments:
in_nc Path to the input netCDF file.
in_vtu Path to the input VTU file.
nc_crs CRS of input netcdf file
vtu_crs CRS of input vtu file.
var_names Names of the data variables in the input netcdf file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT_VTU, --out_vtu OUT_VTU
Path to the output VTU file; default is "out.vtu".
-m MAP_TYPE, --map_type MAP_TYPE
Type of interpolation function; default is 1.
Nullvalue; default is -9999.
--lat LAT Name of the latitude variable; default is "lat".
--lon LON Name of the longitude variable; default is "lon".
--time TIME Name of the time variable if present.
If there are any problems please raise an issue here.
Please look at