We wanted to change for a short period of time one of our model in order to have only one translation without changing the current behaviour. It is now possible to set the locale even if the I18n.locale is different.
You have to use this specific version
gem 'puret', :git => 'git://github.com/mariekou/puretUniqueLocale.git'
Do not forget to run
bundle install
The usage is the same as the current one github.com/jo/puret/blob/master/README.rdoc
If you want to have a unique translation
you will have to add in your model the :locale method in your puret call
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base puret :title, :description, :locale end
You will then be able to use the locale attribute like if it was a Post attribute
post.title = 'Puret really rocks!' post.locale = 'fr' post.save