TODO: Add description
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding teamplace
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:teamplace, "~> 0.1.0"}
In your config.exs you can override this defaults atributes:
api_base: "" query_prefix: "PARAMWEBREPORT_"
Like this
config :teamplace, api_base: ", query_prefix: "QueryParamPrefix"
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
credentials = Application.get_env(:teamplace, :credentials) %{
client_id: "####",
client_secret: "#####"
debe = %Teamplace.Asiento.Item{
DebeHaber: 1,
CuentaID: "GGUIAS",
ImporteMonTransaccion: "100", ImporteMonPrincipal: "100"
|> Item.add_dimension("DIMCTC", "ADMIN")
haber = %Teamplace.Asiento.Item{
DebeHaber: -1,
CuentaID: "CAJA",
ImporteMonTransaccion: "100", ImporteMonPrincipal: "100"
|> Item.add_dimension("DIMAPARFIN", "CF")
asiento = %Teamplace.Asiento{
AsientoItems: [debe, haber]
|> Teamplace.Asiento.add_dolar_price
|> Poison.encode!
Teamplace.post_data(credentials, "asiento", asiento)
{:ok, "Succesfully posted"}