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A lume template for building a blog.

How To Use It

  1. You need a copy of deno, available at
  2. Clone this repository locally. rm -rf .git to remove the version control history if you want to.
  3. Edit your _data/site.yml and _config.ts to add your name, description, any links.
  4. OPTIONAL If you want to host with GitHub Pages with your own domain name, follow these instructions and add a CNAME file to this repository.
  5. git init && git add . && git commit -m "init: blog" to reinitialise version control for this repository.
  6. Run deno task serve to preview your blog. Add posts to posts/. When happy, commit.


New posts

  1. Checkout to a new post branch, eg post/your-new-post.
  2. Add post to posts.
  3. Commit when you're happy.
  4. Rebase onto main.

New pages

  1. Checkout to a new page branch, eg post/your-new-page.
  2. Add page the root of this directory, eg
  3. Add the following YAML header to your new page:
layout: layout/post.njk
title: Your Page
templateClass: tmpl-post
    visible: true
    order: 2
  1. Rebase onto main.

GitHub Pages

This includes a working GitHub Pages workflow by default. Just look inside .github/workflows/publish.yaml, which runs on push to main. It checks out to main, compiles the site, and publishes it to GitHub pages.


Stick any CSS into styles.css after the imports. For example, if you want the font to be smaller, add this:

:root {
	font-size: 14px;

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