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5. Contribute

Andrew Gransden edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 1 revision

Wanna contribute?

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How to contribute?

Easiest entry is you fork the repo and send us your pull request when done and tested.

Available Resources

LINDA uses FSUIPC7 for MSFS for all communication between the module and the aircraft running on MSFS. Functions should follow the naming conventions below. Full use should be made of Lvars (totally over 1200) and FSUIPC Offsets (list in FSUIPC7 documentation) for reading and setting values together FSUIPC Control, Hvar and .EVT events. It is recommended that, for general user purposes, use of MobiFlight events should be avoided.

Naming conventions

As changing names of variables, events and functions is one of the main pain points for developers and users we want to ensure that the functions, etc close to a standardized naming schema.

That also reduces the effort you - and the other maintainers of this nice open source freeware module need to spent for instance on PRs.

So we decided to identify

  • aircraft
    • panel (UPPERCASE)
      • subpanel (UPPERCASE)
        • button/switch (UPPERCASE)
          • action eg. on, off, toggle, cycle, inc, dec, auto, brt, dim (lowercase)

The identifiers are combined with an underscore. And should be as short as possible without loosing the ability to get the semantics. So for instance instead of OXYGEN it should be enough to be identified with OXY. The reason for it is that the space for displaying functions in LINDA is limited.

See following examples:

Naming convention

Rear overhead

Forward overhead center row

  1. A32nx_OVHD_EXTLT_
  2. A32nx_OVHD_APU_
  3. A32nx_OVHD_SIGNS_
  4. A32nx_OVHD_INTLT_
  5. A32nx_OVHD_AICE_
  6. A32nx_OVHD_PROBE_
  7. A32nx_OVHD_PRES_
  8. A32nx_OVHD_ACON_
  9. A32nx_OVHD_ELEC_
  10. A32nx_OVHD_FUEL_
  11. A32nx_OVHD_HYD_
  12. A32nx_OVHD_FIRE_

Forward overhead left row

  1. A32nx_OVHD_WIPERL_
  2. A32nx_OVHD_CALLS_
  3. A32nx_OVHD_OXY_
  4. A32nx_OVHD_RCDR_
  5. A32nx_OVHD_GPWS_
  6. A32nx_OVHD_EPWR_
  7. A32nx_OVHD_EVAC_
  8. A32nx_OVHD_FCTLL_
  9. A32nx_OVHD_ADIRS_

Forward overhead right row

  1. A32nx_OVHD_WIPERR_
  2. A32nx_OVHD_ENG_
  3. A32nx_OVHD_VENT_
  4. A32nx_OVHD_CSMOKE_
  5. A32nx_OVHD_CVENT_
  6. A32nx_OVHD_FCTLR_
  7. A32nx_OVHD_NAV_
  8. A32nx_OVHD_AUDIO_


  1. A32nx_GLSD_FCU_
  2. A32nx_GLSD_EFISL_
  3. A32nx_GLSD_EFISR_
  4. A32nx_GLSD_ATTNL_
  5. A32nx_GLSD_ATTNR_
  6. A32nx_GLSD_DIM_

Main panel

  1. A32nx_MPNL_LTCTLL_
  2. A32nx_MPNL_LTCTLR_
  3. A32nx_MPNL_PFDL_
  4. A32nx_MPNL_NDL_
  5. A32nx_MPNL_PFDR_
  6. A32nx_MPNL_NDR_
  7. A32nx_MPNL_ECAM1_
  8. A32nx_MPNL_ECAM2_
  9. A32nx_MPNL_SBYATT_
  10. A32nx_MPNL_DMEVOR_
  11. A32nx_MPNL_LDG_
  12. A32nx_MPNL_ABRK_
  13. A32nx_MPNL_CLOCK_
  14. A32nx_MPNL_CPDLCL_
  15. A32nx_MPNL_CPDLCR_


  1. A32nx_PED_MCDUL_
  2. A32nx_PED_MCDUR_
  3. A32nx_PED_COML_
  4. A32nx_PED_COMR_
  5. A32nx_PED_INTLTL_
  6. A32nx_PED_INTLTR_
  7. A32nx_PED_RDR_
  8. A32nx_PED_TCAS_
  9. A32nx_PED_SWCTH_
  10. A32nx_PED_ECAM_
  11. A32NX_PED_THROT_
  12. A32nx_PED_ENG_
  13. A32nx_PED_SBRK_
  14. A32nx_PED_FLAP_
  15. A32nx_PED_CDOOR_
  16. A32nx_PED_RTRIM_
  17. A32nx_PED_PBRK_
  18. A32nx_PED_EGEAR_