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build graph outside of Tensor; encapsulate graph type (#369)
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joelberkeley authored Dec 10, 2023
1 parent 5d31e9c commit 5ceff1f
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Showing 25 changed files with 542 additions and 472 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/checks.yml
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Expand Up @@ -24,13 +24,15 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Bazel
- name: Build backend
working-directory: backend
run: |
./ cpu
- name: Run tests
run: pack --no-prompt run test.ipkg
run: |
pack --no-prompt build test.ipkg
pack run test.ipkg
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ import Literal
import Tensor
x : Ref $ Tensor [3] S32
x : Graph $ Tensor [3] S32
x = tensor [1, 2, 3]
y : Ref $ Tensor [3] S32
y : Graph $ Tensor [3] S32
y = x + tensor [0, 1, 2]
but this won't
failing "elaboration"
z : Ref $ Tensor [3] S32
z : Graph $ Tensor [3] S32
z = x + tensor [0, 1]
because you can't add a vector of length two to a vector of length three. Shape manipulation extends beyond comparing literal dimension sizes to arbitrary symbolic manipulation
append : Tensor [m, p] F64 -> Tensor [n, p] F64 -> Ref $ Tensor [m + n, p] F64
append : Tensor [m, p] F64 -> Tensor [n, p] F64 -> Graph $ Tensor [m + n, p] F64
append x y = concat 0 x y
As a bonus, spidr programs are reproducible. Any one graph will always produce the same result when run on the same hardware.
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/BayesianOptimization.idr
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Expand Up @@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ import Data
import Model
import Tensor

||| A `Stream`-like collection where each successive element is wrapped in an additional `Ref`.
||| A `Stream`-like collection where each successive element extends the `Graph`.
public export
data RefStream : Type -> Type where
(::) : a -> Inf (Ref (RefStream a)) -> RefStream a
data GraphStream : Type -> Type where
(::) : a -> Inf (Graph (GraphStream a)) -> GraphStream a

||| Take `n` values from a `RefStream`, sequencing the `Ref` effects.
||| Take `n` values from a `GraphStream`, sequencing the `Graph` effects.
public export
take : (n : Nat) -> RefStream a -> Ref $ Vect n a
take : (n : Nat) -> GraphStream a -> Graph $ Vect n a
take Z _ = pure Nil
take (S k) (x :: xs) = pure (x :: !(take k !xs))

||| Create an infinite stream of values from a generator function and a starting value.
export covering
iterate : (a -> Ref a) -> a -> Ref $ RefStream a
iterate : (a -> Graph a) -> a -> Graph $ GraphStream a
iterate f x = do
x' <- f x
pure (x' :: iterate f x')
Expand All @@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ iterate f x = do
||| @tactic The tactic, such as an optimized acquisition function, to find a new point from the
||| data and model
step : (objective : forall n . Tensor (n :: features) F64 -> Ref $ Tensor (n :: targets) F64) ->
step : (objective : forall n . Tensor (n :: features) F64 -> Graph $ Tensor (n :: targets) F64) ->
(probabilisticModel : ProbabilisticModel features targets marginal model) =>
(train : Dataset features targets -> model -> Ref $ model) ->
(tactic : Reader (DataModel {probabilisticModel} model) (Ref $ Tensor (1 :: features) F64)) ->
(train : Dataset features targets -> model -> Graph $ model) ->
(tactic : Reader (DataModel {probabilisticModel} model) (Graph $ Tensor (1 :: features) F64)) ->
DataModel {probabilisticModel} model ->
Ref $ DataModel {probabilisticModel} model
Graph $ DataModel {probabilisticModel} model
step objective train tactic env = do
newPoint <- runReader env tactic
dataset <- concat env.dataset $ MkDataset newPoint !(objective newPoint)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/BayesianOptimization/Acquisition.idr
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Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ record DataModel modelType {auto probabilisticModel : ProbabilisticModel f t mar
||| @features The shape of the feature domain.
public export 0
Acquisition : (0 batchSize : Nat) -> {auto 0 _ : GT batchSize 0} -> (0 features : Shape) -> Type
Acquisition batchSize features = Tensor (batchSize :: features) F64 -> Ref $ Tensor [] F64
Acquisition batchSize features = Tensor (batchSize :: features) F64 -> Graph $ Tensor [] F64

||| Construct the acquisition function that estimates the absolute improvement in the best
||| observation if we were to evaluate the objective at a given point.
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32 changes: 22 additions & 10 deletions src/Compiler/Eval.idr
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Expand Up @@ -57,32 +57,44 @@ export
Show Err where
show (IndexErr msg) = "IndexErr: \{msg}"

Computation : Type -> Type
0 Computation : Type -> Type
Computation = StateT (SortedMap Nat XlaOp) (EitherT Err IO)

lookup : Nat -> Computation XlaOp
||| Look up the `XlaOp` at `position` in the graph.
lookup : (position : Nat) -> Computation XlaOp
lookup n = do
case lookup n !get of
cache <- get
case lookup n cache of
Nothing =>
lift $ left (IndexErr "Tried to look up value at index \{show n} but none was found.")
lift $ left (IndexErr "Tried to look up value at index \{show n} but found keys \{show $ toList (keys cache)}")
Just op => pure op

interpret : XlaBuilder -> Nat -> Env -> Computation XlaOp

buildSub : XlaBuilder -> String -> Fn arity -> Computation XlaComputation
buildSub builder name (MkFn params i env) = do
||| Build a computation from an inner function
||| @xlaBuilder The enclosing XLA builder in which this function is built.
||| This is not the XLA builder used to build the computation itself.
||| @computationName The name of the computation.
||| @arity The function arity.
||| @f The function to build.
buildSub : (xlaBuilder : XlaBuilder) ->
(computationName : String) ->
(f : Fn arity) ->
Computation XlaComputation
buildSub builder name (MkFn params result env) = do
subBuilder <- createSubBuilder builder name
traverse_ (interpretParameter subBuilder) (enumerate params)
root <- assert_total $ interpret subBuilder i env
root <- assert_total $ interpret subBuilder result env
build subBuilder root


interpretParameter : XlaBuilder -> (Nat, Nat, ShapeAndType) -> Computation ()
interpretParameter builder (position, i, MkShapeAndType shape dtype) = do
interpretParameter builder (positionInFnParams, positionInGraph, MkShapeAndType shape dtype) = do
xlaShape <- mkShape {dtype} shape
param <- parameter builder position xlaShape name
put $ insert i param !get
param <- parameter builder positionInFnParams xlaShape name
put $ insert positionInGraph param !get

enqueue : XlaBuilder -> Expr -> Computation XlaOp
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68 changes: 63 additions & 5 deletions src/Compiler/Expr.idr
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Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Compiler.Expr
import Data.SortedMap
import Decidable.Equality

import Control.Monad.State
import Compiler.LiteralRW
import Compiler.Xla.TensorFlow.Compiler.Xla.XlaData
import Literal
Expand All @@ -29,15 +30,39 @@ public export
data ShapeAndType : Type where
MkShapeAndType : Shape -> (0 dtype : Type) -> Primitive dtype => ShapeAndType

public export
data Expr : Type where

public export 0
Env : Type
Env = SortedMap Nat Expr
data Env = MkEnv Nat (SortedMap Nat Expr)

empty : Env
empty = MkEnv 0 empty

addNode : Expr -> State Env Nat
addNode expr = do
MkEnv next env <- get
put (MkEnv (S next) (insert next expr env))
pure next

toList : Env -> List (Nat, Expr)
toList (MkEnv _ env) = toList env

public export
data Fn : Nat -> Type where
MkFn : {arity : _} -> Vect arity (Nat, ShapeAndType) -> Nat -> Env -> Fn arity

||| @arity The function arity.
||| @params The function parameter position in the graph, along with its shape and dtype.
||| @result The position of the function result in the graph.
||| @env The function graph. Includes only nodes in this scope, not outer or inner scope.
MkFn : {arity : _} ->
(params : Vect arity (Nat, ShapeAndType)) ->
(result : Nat) ->
(env : Env) ->
Fn arity

public export
data BinaryOp =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,7 +130,13 @@ data Expr : Type where
Transpose : List Nat -> Nat -> Expr
Identity : Primitive dtype => Nat -> Expr
Broadcast : Primitive dtype => Shape -> Shape -> Nat -> Expr
Map : Fn n -> Vect n Nat -> Shape -> Expr

||| Apply function `f` with given `arity` over `args`.
||| @f The function to apply.
||| @args The arguments to apply `f` to.
Map : (f : Fn arity) -> (args : Vect arity Nat) -> Shape -> Expr

Reduce : Fn 2 -> Nat -> List Nat -> Nat -> Expr
Sort : Fn 2 -> Nat -> Bool -> List Nat -> Expr
Reverse : List Nat -> Nat -> Expr
Expand All @@ -120,3 +151,30 @@ data Expr : Type where
TriangularSolve : Nat -> Nat -> Bool -> Expr
UniformFloatingPoint : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Shape -> Expr
NormalFloatingPoint : Nat -> Nat -> Shape -> Expr

public export 0
FnExpr : Nat -> Type
FnExpr 0 = State Env Nat
FnExpr (S k) = Nat -> FnExpr k

applyN : FnExpr arity -> Vect arity Nat -> State Env Nat
applyN f [] = f
applyN f (x :: xs) = applyN (f x) xs

addFn : {arity : _} -> Vect arity ShapeAndType -> FnExpr arity -> State Env (Fn arity)
addFn params f = do
MkEnv next env <- get
let (subEnv@(MkEnv next _), params, result) = runState (MkEnv next empty) $ do
xs <- traverse addArg params
result <- applyN f xs
pure (zip xs params, result)
put (MkEnv next env)
pure (MkFn params result subEnv)

addArg : ShapeAndType -> State Env Nat
addArg st = do
MkEnv next env <- get
put (MkEnv (S next) (insert next (Arg next) env))
pure next
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Constants.idr
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Expand Up @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ module Constants
import Tensor

pi : Ref $ Tensor [] F64
pi : Graph $ Tensor [] F64
pi = fromDouble pi
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Data.idr
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ record Dataset (0 featureShape, targetShape : Shape) where

||| Concatenate two datasets along their leading axis.
concat : Dataset features targets -> Dataset features targets -> Ref $ Dataset features targets
concat : Dataset features targets -> Dataset features targets -> Graph $ Dataset features targets
concat (MkDataset {s=s} x y) (MkDataset {s=s'} x' y') =
[| MkDataset {s=s + S s'} (concat 0 x x') (concat 0 y y') |]
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Distribution.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ import Constants
public export
interface Distribution (0 dist : (0 event : Shape) -> (0 dim : Nat) -> Type) where
||| The mean of the distribution.
mean : dist event dim -> Ref $ Tensor (dim :: event) F64
mean : dist event dim -> Graph $ Tensor (dim :: event) F64

||| The covariance, or correlation, between sub-events.
cov : dist event dim -> Ref $ Tensor (dim :: dim :: event) F64
cov : dist event dim -> Graph $ Tensor (dim :: dim :: event) F64

||| The variance of a single random variable.
variance : {event : _} -> Distribution dist => dist event 1 -> Ref $ Tensor (1 :: event) F64
variance : {event : _} -> Distribution dist => dist event 1 -> Graph $ Tensor (1 :: event) F64
variance dist = squeeze {from=(1 :: 1 :: event)} =<< cov dist

||| A joint, or multivariate distribution over a tensor of floating point values, where the density
Expand All @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ interface Distribution dist =>
ClosedFormDistribution (0 event : Shape)
(0 dist : (0 event : Shape) -> (0 dim : Nat) -> Type) where
||| The probability density function of the distribution at the specified point.
pdf : dist event (S d) -> Tensor (S d :: event) F64 -> Ref $ Tensor [] F64
pdf : dist event (S d) -> Tensor (S d :: event) F64 -> Graph $ Tensor [] F64

||| The cumulative distribution function of the distribution at the specified point (that is,
||| the probability the random variable takes a value less than or equal to the given point).
cdf : dist event (S d) -> Tensor (S d :: event) F64 -> Ref $ Tensor [] F64
cdf : dist event (S d) -> Tensor (S d :: event) F64 -> Graph $ Tensor [] F64

||| A joint Gaussian distribution.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Model.idr
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Expand Up @@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ interface Distribution marginal => ProbabilisticModel
model | model
||| Return the marginal distribution over the target domain at the specified feature values.
marginalise : model -> {n : _} -> Tensor (S n :: features) F64 -> Ref $ marginal targets (S n)
marginalise : model -> {n : _} -> Tensor (S n :: features) F64 -> Graph $ marginal targets (S n)
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Model/GaussianProcess.idr
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ posterior :
GaussianProcess features ->
Tensor [] F64 ->
{s : _} -> (Tensor ((S s) :: features) F64, Tensor [S s] F64) ->
Ref $ GaussianProcess features
Graph $ GaussianProcess features
posterior (MkGP priorMeanf priorKernel) noise (xTrain, yTrain) = do
l <- cholesky !(priorKernel xTrain xTrain + pure noise * identity)
let alpha = (pure l).T \| (pure l |\ pure yTrain)
Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ logMarginalLikelihood :
GaussianProcess features ->
Tensor [] F64 ->
{s : _} -> (Tensor ((S s) :: features) F64, Tensor [S s] F64) ->
Ref $ Tensor [] F64
Graph $ Tensor [] F64
logMarginalLikelihood (MkGP _ kernel) noise (x, y) = do
l <- cholesky !(kernel x x + pure noise * identity)
let alpha = (pure l).T \| (pure l |\ pure y)
Expand All @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ data ConjugateGPRegression : (0 features : Shape) -> Type where
||| @noise The likehood amplitude, or observation noise.
MkConjugateGPR :
{p : _} ->
(gpFromHyperparameters : Tensor [p] F64 -> Ref $ GaussianProcess features) ->
(gpFromHyperparameters : Tensor [p] F64 -> Graph $ GaussianProcess features) ->
(hyperparameters : Tensor [p] F64) ->
(noise : Tensor [] F64) ->
ConjugateGPRegression features
Expand All @@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ export
fit : (forall n . Tensor [n] F64 -> Optimizer $ Tensor [n] F64)
-> Dataset features [1]
-> ConjugateGPRegression features
-> Ref $ ConjugateGPRegression features
-> Graph $ ConjugateGPRegression features
fit optimizer (MkDataset x y) (MkConjugateGPR {p} mkPrior gpParams noise) = do
let objective : Tensor [S p] F64 -> Ref $ Tensor [] F64
let objective : Tensor [S p] F64 -> Graph $ Tensor [] F64
objective params = do
priorParams <- slice [ (S p)] params
logMarginalLikelihood !(mkPrior priorParams) !(slice [at 0] params) (x, !(squeeze y))

params <- optimizer !(concat 0 !(expand 0 noise) gpParams) objective

let mkPosterior : Tensor [p] F64 -> Ref $ GaussianProcess features
let mkPosterior : Tensor [p] F64 -> Graph $ GaussianProcess features
mkPosterior params' = posterior !(mkPrior params') !(squeeze noise) (x, !(squeeze y))

pure $ MkConjugateGPR mkPosterior !(slice [ (S p)] params) !(slice [at 0] params)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Model/Kernel.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ Kernel features =
{sk, sk' : _} ->
Tensor (sk :: features) F64 ->
Tensor (sk' :: features) F64 ->
Ref $ Tensor [sk, sk'] F64
Graph $ Tensor [sk, sk'] F64

scaledL2Norm :
Tensor [] F64 ->
{d, n, n' : _} ->
Tensor [n, S d] F64 ->
Tensor [n', S d] F64 ->
Ref $ Tensor [n, n'] F64
Graph $ Tensor [n, n'] F64
scaledL2Norm len x x' =
let xs = broadcast {to=[n, n', S d]} =<< expand 1 x
in reduce @{Sum} [2] =<< ((xs - broadcast !(expand 0 x')) / pure len) ^ fill 2.0
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Model/MeanFunction.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Tensor
||| @features The shape of the feature domain.
public export 0
MeanFunction : (0 features : Shape) -> Type
MeanFunction features = {sm : _} -> Tensor (sm :: features) F64 -> Ref $ Tensor [sm] F64
MeanFunction features = {sm : _} -> Tensor (sm :: features) F64 -> Graph $ Tensor [sm] F64

||| A mean function where the mean is zero in all target dimensions.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Optimize.idr
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Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Tensor
||| @domain The type of the domain over which to find the optimal value.
public export 0
Optimizer : (0 domain : Type) -> Type
Optimizer a = (a -> Ref $ Tensor [] F64) -> Ref a
Optimizer a = (a -> Graph $ Tensor [] F64) -> Graph a

||| Construct an `Optimizer` that implements grid search over a scalar feature space. Grid search
||| approximates the optimum by evaluating the objective over a finite, evenly-spaced grid.
Expand Down

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