- Instant respawn
- No cooldown for recon
- Go in My Games folder, usually :
C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\
- Then in Rising Storm 2\ROGame, create a folder called Src
- Inside this folder create a folder called BattlefieldMode and put the folder Classes inside with your modifications and RS2BFMutator.uci next to it
- Go back in ROGame folder, in the Config folder put the ROMutator_BattlefieldMode.ini file.
- Open ROEditor.ini, in the ROGame\Config folder
- Add the folder you created inside Src under the ModPackages section like this:
ModPackages=BattlefieldMutator # This line
- Open the Rising Storm 2 - SDK Frontend, add your source folder in the Script Source Directories section and the .ini file in the INIs to add section
- You can either :
- Press Compile scripts in SDK Frontend
- Execute the command
VNEditor.exe make -user -useunpublished
- The output should be in
After publishing in the workshop, download it
Launch the game, press F3 and type open VNTE-CuChi?mutator=BattlefieldMode.BattlefieldModeMutator
- The source folder, e.g. BattlefieldMode must match the value inside ROEditor.ini in the ModPackages section
- The config variable name, e.g. Mutator_BattlefieldMode in the classes :
class BattlefieldModeMutator extends ROMutator
must match the name of the .ini file without the RO prefix: ROMutator_BattlefieldMode.ini