A web application for displaying information from various APIs on digital signage.
- Serve as a test bed for learning new technologies.
- Long term: I expect to run this application for years, if not decades.
- Stability: I expect the application to run without maintenance indefinitely.
- Availability: 100% uptime.
- Fault tolerance: the application functions when no internet connection is available.
- Signage endpoints
- Visionect 13" displays (/thirteen)
- Fetched by Visionect Software Suite running on local network and displayed on 13" Place and Play devices. Fetch interval is currently 10m.
- Boox Mira Pro (/mira)
- Fetched by a client Mac Mini with a Boox Mira Pro (25.3" 3200x1800px e-Paper display) running Google Chrome full screen.
- Self-refreshes entire screen every 2s.
- Visionect 13" displays (/thirteen)
bundle install
- Copy
from a friend. rails s
- Visit http://localhost:3000
bundle exec rake
To fetch the latest version: git fetch --all && git reset --hard origin/main
To upgrade Visionect: docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
Rails server: RAILS_ENV=production rails s -p 80 -b --no-log-to-stdout
- Add lightning template sensor once it's storm season