is a Robot Framework keyword collection for the aprslib Python library. It allows you to establish a connection to the APRS-IS servers and send/receive/decode APRS requests.
# Send a single message to WXBOT, wait for a response message and display it on the console.
# Then terminate the test.
# Author: Joerg Schultze-Lutter, DF1JSL
*** Settings ***
Suite Setup Open APRS-IS Connection
Suite Teardown Close APRS-IS Connection
*** Variables ***
# This is your APRS-IS call sign. Replace this place holder with your personal call sign
${callsign} YOURCALLSIGN
# This is the message that we will send out to WXBOT
${message} ${callsign}>APRS::WXBOT${SPACE}${SPACE}${SPACE}${SPACE}:tomorrow
# APRS-IS server filter, see
${filter} g/WXBOT/${callsign}*
*** Test Cases ***
Send packet to APRS-IS with callsign ${callsign}
Log Send Packet to APRS-IS
Send APRS Packet ${message}
Receive packet from APRS-IS with callsign ${callsign}
Log Receive Packet from APRS-IS
${packet} = Receive APRS Packet
Log To Console ${packet}
*** Keywords ***
Open APRS-IS Connection
${passcode}= Calculate APRS-IS Passcode ${callsign}
Set APRS-IS Callsign ${callsign}
Set APRS-IS Passcode ${passcode}
Set APRS-IS Filter ${filter}
Log Connecting to APRS-IS
Connect to APRS-IS
Close APRS-IS Connection
Log Disconnect from APRS-IS
Disconnect from APRS-IS
# This is a simple robot which captures up to 10 APRS 'message' type messages and
# logs their raw messages to the console. Then terminate the test
# Author: Joerg Schultze-Lutter, DF1JSL
*** Settings ***
Suite Setup Open APRS-IS Connection
Suite Teardown Close APRS-IS Connection
*** Variables ***
# This is your APRS-IS call sign. Replace this value with your personal call sign
${callsign} YOURCALLSIGN
# APRS-IS server filter, see
${filter} t/m
*** Test Cases ***
Echo APRS-IS Raw Traffic to Console
[Documentation] Capture up to 10 APRS messages and display them on the console
# Robot has no WHILE loop. Therefore, we need to use a FOR loop.
FOR ${i} IN RANGE 10
Receive Packet From APRS-IS
*** Keywords ***
Open APRS-IS Connection
${passcode}= Calculate APRS-IS Passcode ${callsign}
Set APRS-IS Callsign ${callsign}
Set APRS-IS Passcode ${passcode}
Set APRS-IS Filter ${filter}
Log Connecting to APRS-IS
Connect to APRS-IS
Close APRS-IS Connection
Log Disconnect from APRS-IS
Disconnect from APRS-IS
Receive packet from APRS-IS
# Receive the package. By default, aprslib decodes it ...
${packet} = Receive APRS Packet
# ... but for now, let's get the raw message from that decode packet
# and display it on the console
${packet} = Get Raw Message Value From APRS Packet ${packet}
Log To Console ${packet}
When you initialize an APRS connection without explicitly setting parameters such as server, port, user/pass and filter, the following default values are automatically applied:
- server =
- port =
- callsign =
- passcode =
- aprs-is filter = not set
- aprsis_msgno =
(this is equal toAA
if you need to get the msgno in alphanumeric format)
This default set of values will allow you to establish a read-only connection to APRS-IS, assuming that the respective APRS-IS server that you intend to connect with permits such a connection.
You can either specify all parameters during the initial setup of the library or alternatively via separate keywords
*** Settings ***
Library server_value port_value user_value passcode_value filter_value message_value
*** Test Cases ***
My first test case
*** Settings ***
Library aprsis_server=server_value aprsis_port=port_value aprsis_callsign=user_value aprsis_passcode=passcode_value aprsis_filter=filter_value aprsis_msgno = msgno_value
*** Test Cases ***
My first test case
Keyword | Description |
Set APRS-IS Server and Get APRS-IS Server |
Sets/Gets the APRS-IS server |
Set APRS-IS Port and Get APRS-IS Port |
Sets/Gets the APRS-IS port |
Set APRS-IS Callsign and Get APRS-IS Callsign |
Sets/Gets the APRS-IS callsign (user name) |
Set APRS-IS Passcode and Get APRS-IS Passcode |
Sets/Gets the APRS-IS passcode |
Set APRS-IS Filter and Get APRS-IS Filter |
Sets/Gets the APRS-IS server filter. Note: This keyword performs a (basic) sanity check on the content and will cause an error in case an invalid filter qualifier has been submitted |
Get Current APRS-IS Configuration |
Returns a dictionary containing all previously listed parameters and the APRS-IS connection status to the user (basically a collection of all previously mentioned keywords). An AIS object whose value is different to None indicates an active connection. |
Get APRS-IS MsgNo , Set APRS-IS MsgNo , Increment APRS-IS MsgNo and Get APRS-IS MsgNo as Alphanumeric |
Gets and sets the MsgNo. The alphanumeric keyword provides the message number in a format which supports the more recent replyack scheme. The following rules apply: a) If you want to set the value directly, a max value of 675 (equals ZZ ) is possible b) Setter methods only accept numeric values c) if you use the Increment keyword, an increment to the value of 675 (ZZ ) will automatically reset the value to AA . |
Keyword | Description | Parameter |
Calculate APRS-IS Passcode |
Calculates the APRS-IS passcode (based on the given call sign) and returns it to the user | aprsis_callsign |
Parse APRS Packet |
Parses the given APRS packet. In case the packet is either invalid or its format is unknown, an exception will be triggered | aprs_packet |
Connect to APRS-IS |
Establishes a socket connection to the APRS-IS network | |
Disconnect from APRS-IS |
Disconnects from the APRS-IS network | |
Send APRS Packet |
Sends a raw APRS packet to APRS-IS in case an open connection to the APRS-IS network has been established | packet (string) |
Receive APRS Packet |
Receives an APRS packet to APRS-IS in case an open connection to the APRS-IS network has been established. The default setting uses the parameter values immortal = True and raw = False , meaning that aprslib will try to re-establish the connection in case it is lost and will also auto-decode APRS packets when received |
immortal and raw (both boolean params) |
Get <field name> Value from APRS Packet |
various wrappers; e.g. Get Message Text Value From APRS Packet will return the decoded message string if it is present in the message |
aprs_packet . If you specify a field that does not exit in the packet, this keyword will cause an error. Both raw and decoded messages are supported. |
Get Value From APRS Packet |
called by the aporementioned Get <field name> Value fron APRS Packet functions |
aprs_packet and field_name . If you specify a field that does not exit in the packet, this keyword will cause an error. Both raw and decoded messages are supported. |
APRS Packet Should Contain <field name> |
Similar to Get <field name> Value From APRS Packet but only returns True /False in case the field does / does not exit |
aprs_packet and field_name . Raw and decoded messages are supported. |
APRS Packet Should Contain |
called by the aforementioned APRS Packet Should Contain <field name> functions |
aprs_packet and field_name |
When you need to define strings which contain multiple spaces, escaping these strings won't work as Robot will try to interpret these as list values. You need to construct them as Robot-conform strings with
results inABCD____EFGH
(four blanks between the variable's value). -
Apart from minor helper methods for the connection setup and field check/retrieval, this Robot Framework library does not offer any additional keywords for exchanging data in a proper way. (Almost) every feature that the original aprslib offers is supported by this Robot library - nothing more and nothing less. As aprslib does not support the more recent replyack scheme, this keyword library will also not decode these messages in a proper way and you may need to decode them manually. I was thinking about introducing a workaround to this library (the one that mpad uses), but in the end this decoding should rather be done by aprslib itself.
The current version of the Robot Framework does not support WHILE loops which would permit the Robot script to run endlessly (when needed). Loops can only be triggered with the help of finite FOR loops. This should be enough for testing but unless a real WHILE loop is made available for the Robot Framework, you can't build an APRS messaging server which will not terminate after a certain point in time.
Receive APRS Packet
command has no timeout which means that it will only return back from this code if it has found a message that is to be returned back to Robot. If you depend on timeout, you may need to amend your APRS-IS filter settings and handle the filter process in your code.
- APRS is a registered trademark of APRS Software and Bob Bruninga, WB4APR. Thank you Bob!
- This is a hobby project. It has no commercial background whatsoever.
- Exchanging data with APRS(-IS) requires you to be a licensed ham radio operator. If you don't know what APRS is, then this library is not for you. Alternatively, you may want to explore the option of getting your own amateur radio license (it's a great hobby).