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Configuring Info.plist

Johan edited this page Jun 24, 2015 · 4 revisions

The Info.plist file (located in is used on OS X to display your app informations, and on the Mac App Store for identification purposes. You will need to update it.

You may start from this sample file.

You can override the existing file (, and update the following fields:

Field Informations
__name__ Readable app name
__bundle_identifier__ App identifier, looks like com.yourcompanyname.yourappname
__version__ Readable app version, looks like 1.4.8
__bundle_version__ A unique, numeric app version - you can use the version as a base, like 148 for 1.4.8 (this solution is more readable than starting from 1 and counting) (this is used on the MAS only)
__copyright__ A readable copyright message, appears when doing a CMD-I on your app
__app_category__ The app category, looks like (complete list)
__app_sec_category__ An additional category (same format as above)

The sample file contains the minimum, required fields that you need on the MAS.

You may need to add other fields, to associate a file extension to your app, for instance.